Renathal Wild Bug

My Renathal just became wild and i had lost him

He should still be in your wild collection if you look for him in the Nathria set

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Did you own him before he became a core card weeks ago? If you never owned him before then he is not in your Wild collection now.

Format: Wild
Card: Prince Renathal*
Issue: Disappeared
Crafted one week ago

In my case, it disappeared. I logged into my account recently and noticed that the BIG/XL Wild decks with Renathal were incomplete, missing one card. Itā€™s exactly Prince Renathal that is absent.

Crafted about a week ago, in the decks that were already created, it shows as ā€œInvalid Card,ā€ and when creating a new deck, it shows as ā€œMissing Card.ā€

It is also not present in the ā€˜Murder at Castle Nathriaā€™ collection.

I checked other forums as well and saw that Iā€™m not the only one having some kind of issue with ā€˜Prince Renathalā€™.
Does anyone have any information from Blizzard if this is a specific issue or a general one?

Most people were not aware that he was free for a limited time
Some people will also claim that they crafted the card in standard during that period which is impossible

During that period if you made a deck with him in wild it would include the core set version by default
The core set card has not been automatically replaced by the nathria one, you need to remove the core set one from your deck first before trying to add the nathria one back


not possible neither the original(free to players from nathria) or the standard one(free from core set from Oct till Nov 5th) were craftable

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no you didnt

you never crafted it

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Renathal is not craftable. That card is awarded by purchasing and opening your first Castle Nathria card pack.

Whatever card you crafted, it wasnā€™t Prince Renathal.

It ā€œdisappearedā€ because it was in the Core set, but it isnā€™t any more.

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Now I understand! Perfectly explained.

I havenā€™t played since 2018 and returned about two weeks ago.

During this period, I ended up creating many decks with the dust that was sitting in my account.

So, I had no idea that ā€˜Prince Renathalā€™ was available for a limited time and that it wasnā€™t a card I crafted during that period.

Thank you all for the clarifications!

I appreciate the communityā€™s help in understanding this issue. Itā€™s good to know that the card was available for a limited time and that I didnā€™t actually craft it. Iā€™ll make sure to check the collection more carefully in the future.

just a heads up then, next year in march/april we will get another year+core rotation and three sets will rotate out of standard(Year of the wolf leaves(Festival of legends, Titans, and Showdown in the Badlands)) so if you need to craft stuff and plan to stick around maybe avoid epics/legendary cards from these to spare your dust value

core may have cards switch around so a random legendary like Tirion may or may not be free next year, last year they started posting news around February 12th so I would expect that around the same time we will start hearing about ā€œcore 2025ā€

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Thanks for the heads-up, Lznad! Iā€™ll avoid crafting epics/legendaries from the sets rotating out next year to save my dust.

Iā€™ll keep an eye out for news about the ā€œcore 2025ā€ set around February.

Appreciate the advice!

Thatā€™s cuz he is wild and he isnā€™t lost.

I canā€™t use him in standard and he just became core right? Iā€™m not really bothered but just putting that out there.

Correct, because he is not part of a recent expansion set, and he is no longer in Core.

He was added to Core about a month ago, and they removed him yesterday.

Hi! I want to use Renathal in wild mode, but eventhough me and the blizzard cunstomer support could confirm, that Renathal is in my colection, I can not integrate him into my protos mage deck. I didnā€™t try another deck, but I believe it will be the same. Sorry, if this post is wrong here, and sorry, if I missed something in this topic, but maybe someone from the Development team is reading this. :slight_smile: Thanks alot.

What does ā€œcan notā€ mean exactly? What happens when you try to add him to the deck?

Are you sure youā€™re making a Wild deck, and not a Standard deck?