Always a Bigger Jormungar: Could this be the revival of Banjosaur?
Only problem being: Can Hunter afford to put “Always a Bigger Jormungar” on the Hound Hunter deck which has miniscule amount of card draw? I think not.
Absorbent Parasite: Too weak of a 2 drop even if there was a Mech Hunter deck, which there won’t be.
Bait and Switch: Hidden Meaning still looks better because this can be played around more easily.
Titanforged Traps: This looks strong.
Starstrung Bow: Hunter is no aggro deck anymore. No real value off of this even if it gets to 0 mana.
Great, more Discover BS. Why can’t they just have it cast a random secret from your class or deck? Does this game really need more annoying and unfun Discover cards?
Always a Bigger Jormungar looks really strong on it’s own.
You can combo it with Hollow Hound.
6/5 Star Power.
Absorbant Parasite is cool.
I don’t see a huge use to hard run it yet, but I think it will see play before it rotates.
It’s kind of crazy how many Hunter cards already come with Rush on them.
4/5 Star Power.
Bait and Switch makes Secrets much more powerful in general.
6/5 Star addition to the Secret and Discover Pools, you don’t even need to hard run it.
Titanforged Traps is just good.
5/5 Star Power.
Starstrung Bow looks really good, but idk I think Secret decks are a lot worse as Hearthstone has devolved to renathal discoverstone where control decks curve out and test your secrets.
6/5 Star Power, card. 2-3 mana to deal 12 damage. But Secret Decks probaaaably suck.
Calling it now, Hunter is going to be the first deck to get nerfed. A 6 attack weapon in Hunter that can cost 0 is completely insane, especially in Hunter, and should be a legendary.
Hollow Hound + Absorbent = 15 health restored + Piercing damage good god.
The problem with the card is it lets you Discover ANY secret. That includes Mage secrets, which are some of the most problematic and frustrating to play against. Also, having it cast a random secret from your deck encourages good deck-building, something that the Discover mechanic has drastically minimized in recent years.
This is the singular most overpowered Hearthstone card I’ve ever seen. It’s “rush = charge” for Beasts, essentially for free. Imagine a card that was 1 mana for +2 Attack and Charge, that’s how stupid this card is.
I’m confused though, if my Rush Cleave Beast already attacked how can I target a minion? Are we assuming Deathrattle summons here? Also opponent already dead
You just make sure you target the other minions that are alive on their end. That’s the beauty of cleave effect. Instead of hitting 3 minions, you can hit 2 and then 2, etc, to maximize damage.