“There must always be a worst class” funny how some classes like Priest get that while others get to live rent free on higher tiers.
Even more funny is that they have no issues saying stuff like this so fun.
“There must always be a worst class” funny how some classes like Priest get that while others get to live rent free on higher tiers.
Even more funny is that they have no issues saying stuff like this so fun.
What do you expect on small indie company dev lol… Too lazy to rack up their brain on how to balance the meta instead they just let it sink and turn on survival of the fittest mode
Like you and I have discussed. Priest and Mage always get treated differently.
lol . Mrglglglg is a good legendary, but imo their best one is liadrin. Kinda sad that Yrel remained too much of a hight mana cost card to be really useful, even at her release. Anything that is 8 or more is too slow nowadays.
Dude, no one has advocated nerfing mage in this thread. I’m unironically against nerfing Mage but c’mon guy chill out.
Plus, you forgot about ending world hunger.
In another thread you were unable to provide evidence for this claim when challenged.
I’ve told Mallenroh and Orion “link or it didn’t happen” in previous threads, and the one link provided didn’t prove the claim. So to you I also say: link or it didn’t happen.
Thank you for the link. It’s a bit different from the Mallenroh claim from an earlier thread that Ayala has admitted to treating the classes differently, but ultimately what the devs say is secondary to what the devs do, and the link uses match data to argue Mage and Priest (and Warlock) were treated differently by the design team. I’m not going to accept the conclusion of the linked post uncritically, but it looks solid at first glance, and now I’ve got something interesting to read.
Couldn’t you also look at the deadmines mini set and come to a similar conclusion? Look at the support cards Mage and Priest got compared Druid/Rogue/Warrior/Hunter. It’s obvious that the devs are designing cards to minimalize Priest and Mage power and maximizing others.
What we’re seeing out of the Deadmines set correlates to the data of Meta Power of Classes over time. At this point, you’d have to ignore all the data that Priest and Mage simply are treated differently. They reverted nerfs to other classes to bring them back up and didn’t even bother reverting Apotheosis and Renew. That alone was pretty sketchy. There’s absolutely no reason not to bring those 2 cards back to where they were.
I don’t think it’s obvious, even with the data Eulrich linked to, that Blizzard isn’t trying to support Mage or Priest. Yes, yes, the Mage class cards aren’t very good, but I do think Quest Mage gets a new card in the form of Multicaster. But the point of the data Eulrich linked to isn’t intent, it’s results. For example, perhaps the design team just aren’t particularly accurate at guessing what power level a Mage deck will be at, and develop a pattern of consistently undersupporting it even though that isn’t their intent. You know, Hanlon’s Razor and all that.
And no, I’m not saying Hanlon’s Razor is an excuse for chronicly undersupporting a class. I’m just saying that it’s a lot easier to evaluate at a set of cards and coming to the conclusion “these cards will make these classes more powerful than those,” versus evaluating those cards and coming to the conclusion “the people who designed these wanted these cards to make these classes more powerful than those classes,” or even “the people who designed these have a consistent biases for these classes over those classes.” In short, I can read the meta a lot easier than I can read minds.
Lastly, it’s not necessarily the case that an archetype needs a buff to itself to become more popular after an expansion. Quest Mage has a favorable matchup against Aggro Druid and a mostly even one against Quest Warrior currently, and it isn’t clear that bad matchups like the various flavors of Demon Hunter are getting a lot of love. I don’t honestly expect Quest Mage’s winrate to go up — seems to me that Pirate Warrior is going to both increase in popularity and become more unfavorable — but maybe Aggro Druid numbers increase even more, and that would probably mean Quest Mage gets a better winrate. Basically, when I see the new Aggro Druid cards in Deadmines, I see that as a net positive for Quest Mage — but Mr. Smite and the other new Warrior pirate are definitely net negatives, as are the Rogue cards, so yeah probably a downgrade for Quest Mage overall.
To wrap up this wall of text, I think things are just a tad more complicated than you’re making things out to be. I actually agree with your prediction, and I predict the same, but I don’t think it’s obvious. We could be wrong.
I absolutely agree with this edit though.
Mallenroh, it’s not okay to shame people for their username or for their number of posts. I’ve been playing Hearthstone since Beta, and I cracked top 30 Arena North America one season. I’m definitely not some scrub new to the game, but more importantly, even if I was, no one deserves to be treated like that. No one.
Edit: since I ask other folks to link proof, I imagine I should link mine.
You’ve been wrong about practically every claim you’ve made since I have followed your remarks.
Proof or it never happened …
Sucks doesnt it when the shoe is on the other foot.
Just get people reactions when mage is actually good and It Just match.
When you discard the other results the correct is the last one. It’s really that simple.
I not trying to be rude but the issue isn’t even the pattern you did see above.
The issue is It becoming worse every year:
Remember uldum Highlander mage?
The one that was mostly the only mage deck around 2 years(with some small time frames of other decks being viable before nerf to oblivion due to feelings?).
When It did go It did open a hole so gigantic that you literally did print all those spell only support and the class overall still bad.
And you really can’t close It without actual effort that is more than “hey let’s print some support to one archtype”.
And the worse is that by not noticing that the problem are cards already printed only make It worse with the New ones being rage inducing.
I wouldn’t use the word “wrong” to describe your posts. I’d say you’re light on statements of relevant fact and heavy on irrelevancies and obnoxious opinions, with a dash of dubious claims you refuse to verify sprinkled on top. But actual “ah ha, you’re wrong!” moments? That has come down to stuff like “what’s the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3?”
I would use the word “obnoxious” though. I just did.
Not at all. It’s a thoroughly reasonable expectation. Sorry I didn’t include with the post first time, but I’ve edited it, a bit slower than you replied I imagine.
Nah i saw the link that means nothing i can make a forum account with any name i want even the n1 player.
Account pic or nothing for me you have 0 credibility.
My posts are heavy on feelings for certain.
But; it’s a fact that Mage and Priest are treated differently and there are plenty of players here who will corroborate that.