Regis review Deadmines Legendaries

Paladin’s best legendary is Samuro by miles. Such is the Paladin life; neutrals usually do what you need better than class cards. It’s gotten better lately I guess, but still…

If I go all in on being petty, Paladin never got another Hero card (some classes got three), never got another legendary weapon outside of KnC, never got a new legendary spell outside of Blast Labs, and now has the least amount of Legendaries in general.

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Shh be quiet. Do you want them to print more cards like Turalyon?

Right here lol, those were fun times.


If we are taking neutral then yeah it’s probably either Samuro or Varian, they both probably #1 and 2 right now.

At least Turyalon has flavour lol

lol these days We would need a five mana card with the ten mana effect.


Ahh, the taste of “being 2 mana too expensive even before bonkers cards became cheap.”

The non-comedic flavor text must have a really high cost according to blizzard.

So I have one prediction: Ping mage is dead.
There is no way that deck can win against what’s coming.
It will be Quest or nothing at all.

A lot of those Tier 2 and 3 decks that were barely surviving are going to be dead. If any of those decks didn’t get immediate support with these OP cards, they’ll be dead for sure.

How can a mediocre deck compete in a meta where the powerful just became more powerful?

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I agree. It’s gonna’ be a three class meta.

I hear nerfing Mage will solve all problems in the game and also bring out world peace and the end of climate change.

Also :


Imagine playing against a Quest Warrior now where Juggernaut pops out a Mr Smite. It’s pretty much game over from there. Every Pirate the warrior plays will get charge included Mr Smite. You’re going to be hit for face for like 30 damage…

Not to mention you can be gifted Mr Smite other ways…

There’s no way Mr Smite doesn’t get nerfed.


Yeah, thank goodness Rogue Warrior and Druid don’t feel bad to lose to.


So their answer to decks that don’t care about the board and beat you on turn 6/7 is to bring back leeroy+ into the game. This set feels like an interns weekend project after Mercenaries was released.


It’s important to note that they didn’t just bring back leeroy, they just brought back OG warsong commander (one of the worst designed cards ever in terms of power)…and they put both into 1 card.

Both of those cards were problematic, 1 of which got nerfed immediately, the other of which was always a target of complaints requesting nerfs.

This is not going to end well.

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Well, as I said: I won’t be wasting any resources on the mini set. I’ll just save my gold and hope that come next full expansion We have better designers.

Im not getting the mini set but i did save the packs from the monthly rewards.
So 5 packs to at least try to get some new cards.

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I have my monthly’s as well so that’s a thought and ty for the idea:)

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Its been implied that priest will stay dead by the dev himself…