Refundable crafting and better chat system

I personally would love to have a refundable card crafting system, so any card that is newly crafted can be disenchanted for all dust it costed until manually confirmed. This will allow me to try a lot more builds without lossing dust for something that dont work. Any deck containing unconfirmed cards can not participate in ranked games, tavern blawl, complete daily quests, or gain coins after 3 victories.

Furthermore we desperately need a better chat system, the battlenet chat board wont allow me to copy deck codes on ios so it is basically useless to me. I believe that lack of group chat is one of the reasons why this game lost players, as there is very little interaction apart from playing against each other. I wish we can have a chat room to share our decks and have fun.

Moreover, i v met some losers who add friend, curse and delete, so i hesitate when someone added me, please make a system that i can report these and block them from chat for a period of time.

That system already exists.
When you open the battle-net client on your computer and go to the “Social” tab, you can find a history of all recent messages exchanged with friends (even if they already removed you after spewing their filth). And clicking (or right-clicking, I always forget) a message allows you to report it.

Oh i didnt know that, there is nothing u can do on ios, thx

Yeah that’s why you lose dust, you cannot try new cards then it’s like you can freely swap between them, and that’s horrible for Blizzard and F2P players.