Refreshing Springwater is the most aggravating design ever

Not really.

Most are dumb like Doors and go like crazy for inchanters flow.

Hey Min, I actually could use some advice for mulligans in my spell damage deck. Would you give me advice?

How is that dumb? It has an over 70% win rate in the mulligan.


Not all the time or it would be Tier S and it’s only tier 2.

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It’s dumb because they throw away the match trying to highroll.

Gambling is something that takes nuance.

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So If i post my deck will you evaluate it and suggest changes and mulligans?


Sure. Why not?
I help.


Are you saying that Refreshing Spring Water isn’t Pot of Greed?

How could the forums lie to me? :yum:

Yes. Exactly that.
Is what I saying.

It’s near it but isn’t in fact.


here you are. I haven’t been doing that well with it, but I love playing it and was hoping to make it better, learn to pilot it better.

Spell Damage mage

Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (1) Brain Freeze

2x (1) Devolving Missiles

2x (1) Lab Partner

2x (1) Primordial Studies

2x (1) Shooting Star

2x (1) Wand Thief

2x (2) Cram Session

2x (2) Imprisoned Phoenix

2x (2) Incanter’s Flow

2x (2) Runed Orb

2x (3) Arcane Intellect

2x (4) Fireball

2x (4) Refreshing Spring Water

1x (5) Aegwynn, the Guardian

1x (5) Apexis Blast

2x (7) Mask of C’Thun


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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Not even near it.

Besides the initial Mana cost, the card only reliably draws for free in one archetype; it can be quite inconsistent in other, even spell-heavy, decks.

Granted, it can scale better in No-Minion Mage due to Incanter’s Flow, potentially netting you more Mana to use; but that is also another difference.


First I need to say that I not a fan of that style of deck in the sense that in my opinion they’re just worse spell mages.

With that said apexis blast could easy be replaced by mankrik because the card is bonkers and still contribute for you plan doing 3 damage when you draw the 3/10.

For mulligan we have inchanters flow that is always an excellent pick but in fast matchups I would not dismiss lab partner and 1 mana removals in general to try to get it.

Cram session is only good if you also have lab partner and refreshing spring water is a little too heavy for the starting hand despite of the matchup.
Also it gets far more powerful with inchanters flow so there is no reason to keep it despite of the match.

Runic orb isn’t really good but if you’re desperate for removal you should keep.

Arcane intellect can be Keep against control decks in general.

Primordial studies is a little risky to keep because you can’t guarantee that lab partner gonna be one of the discover options despite of be relatively consistent. Pick this only when you really think you gonna need because it can backfire hard and cost you a match against fast decks.

The rest you can just insta mulligan.


Blizzard doesn’t have QA testing LUL

Thanks Min. I will try these tips and I will replace the cards you suggested.:slight_smile:


You’re welcome to ask.


I also think that springater or incanters should get nerfed. Having said that the interaction between minami and Mallenroh was beautiful and what I consider the best the forums could be <3

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Most of the fun I’ve had this expansion has been with No Spell Mage. I mean it’s not the only deck, but it’s certainly one of them. Will be sad to see it take a hit.


Do you ever just think about what you’re saying?

If you like this new card, you should like ALL new cards. Is that what you’re saying? Blizzard can’t make mistakes?

He’s not changing anything. To have the audacity to sit here and think that you can just replace Apexis Blast shows you don’t know what the card is even for.

Sorry, I think that honor still has to go to Call to Arms. Probably still the most obviously busted card even prior to release. But yeah, refreshing spring water is also dangerous design space.