Recent Balance Update

This is true the card as of now has no relation to Shaman.
It was a lazy redesign of a nerf.

Lazy design is all these devs know.

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Yeah, but its important to recognise the pattern here. Long standing changes like banning/nerfing Time Warp, nerfing Shadowstep, curtailing mana cheating etc. haven’t really been adressed despite people clamoring for years. Now, I’m not saying Standard should be balanced with Wild in mind or vice versa, but it does show that for every great step forward they seem to take a brain shattering summersault backwards or do nothing at all.
Sorry for the tangent, trying to keep things constructive, but its hard not to be frustrated

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I’m still remember spell mage hitting 30% playrate in stormwind or 50% in the barrens meta.
Yes, in the barrens launch spell mage called lunacy mage at the time got freaking 50% playrate.

So even as a mage player i’m think mage has to be gatekeep so who really like to play mage can play the class without nerfs every damm patch to it even after it being tier 3 because people Just not stop playing it.

They did the EXACT same thing with Frostmourne. They reduced its cost but also its damage which , in my opinion, made the card SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE ,as now the main point of the card , killing big minions and stealing them, is harder to accomplish due to it lacking the attack to do so easily without Discovering into it with Runes of Darkness.

Like with Cross-Stitch its a bandaid , not a fix. All they had to do was give it a “Your Hero is Immune while attacking” and it would have been way better. They wouldn’t even have needed touch its cost, as now the card would hsve been significantly better at doing what its supposed to, i.e. letting you attack into big minions without risking putting yourself into OTK range. But for some reason, they didn’t opt for the simplest possible solution. I dunno if they have some DK support lined up for future expansions that made them do this, but as of me writting this it seems like they’re determined to make micro-changes until everything eventually gets fixed.

I think they have gone too far, for too long with this philosophy.
I’m sick and tired of playing decks that require a programming degree, or the luck of an angel.

Play another class.
Or maybe another game.

Amen xD

This take is 100% correct and sadly so

The thing that puzzles me about Cross-stitch is they did a good thing by making it 4 mana, just to undo said good thing by making it deal 3 damage.

It’s objectely better in the sense that it’s easier to play, but still a bad card. Is there really much sense in making a 1-star into a 2-star card?

I not the one creating threats every day because i’m trying to force the game to be something it isn’t, old infant.

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They will never give mage anything again that encourages play.

Yeah, I though that they would keep the cost the same, but up the damage since they literally released alongside a card that reduces Frost spell costs. Reducing both basically just made an alredy “cool , but whatever” card worse.

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I’m not surprised at all. They are too scared of mage popularity to ever give the class anything easy to play or reliable.
God forbid, the players who enjoy mage should get even one deck in five flipping years, that is fun and easy to play, without it being crippled to the point of being a waste of time to use on ladder.

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To be fair, wasn’t Hero Power mage really strong for a while?

Not really. I love that deck, and still try and make it work in wild.
It was never given the support it needed, and I have had Schyla as my builder on it for years.
If he says it isn’t possible, then it simply isn’t.:slight_smile:

Mage had many competitive decks in previous rotation. I don’t know about the rotations before the last one because I was on a break from HS, but the patterns since 2014 clearly indicate we’ll have more strong Mage decks in the future if not now.

There surely exists a way to make Rainbow mage work now, though, because control meta should emerge to deal with DH.

Sif was great. I will admit that.
I can only hope that Team5 allows mage to have spell decks like this going forward.

That change is an early April Fools joke, Blizzard never fails to get a chuckle out of me.
Highlight of the day for me.

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I haven’t used the card.
Where does it fit, and what does it do?
What does the nerf/buff change?

If fits well in a trash can, they are so scared to give Mage any direct dmg from hand that even when they “buff” a card they have to lower its damage.

Keep in mind that card even at 4 mana for 4 damage had little chance to see play.
To lower it to 3 damage is just fantastic, i really cant wait for future “buffs” in this class.

Laughter is good for your health and if this is a preview of whats to come i will be rolling on the floor soon enough.

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It’s moot to have certain expectations that they created?
Just don’t make Dual Class cards going forward this whole thing has been shambles.
Is there even 1 Dual Class card that sees play in both Classes in Standard, I don’t think so, so what’s the point of them except providing filler for the unlucky Classes.

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