Reborn Not Working On Zerg Minions

When I use give all minions reborn and then destroy all minions with my Death knight card, the Zergs come back with FULL HEALTH and not 1 health like the other minions. please fix this asap.

They are reborn with 1 health, but then immediately get the buff from Infestor:

Rare · Minion · The Great Dark Beyond · Deathrattle: Your Zerg minions have +1/+1 for the rest of the game.

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There is also a bug with spell with reduce life at 1 pv.

I try in Paladin and the zerg keep the amount of pv given by the buff.

I assume pv means “health”.

This isn’t a bug. The buff from Infestor is a constant aura that is applied on top of the minion’s base stats.