Read this if you ever experience "hovering card glitch"

Blizzard has literally come out and explained how it works when it happens. It can even happen to you if your personal internet is good. This isn’t a cheat or hack.


It isn’t a hack. It’s a well-known, established bug that people have been experiencing for years. As detailed here, there are a number of ways you can disconnect from a game, and not all of them are obvious from the users end. I can assure you that not only is hacking HS very difficult ( 9.5/10 cases of supposed “hacking” reported here are just new players who don’t know game mechanics or who looked away from their screen for too long), but Blizz would never allow a publicly acknowledged and frequently experienced hack to survive for this long.

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you guys do know that your explanation does not make sense.
You either claim:

  1. I disconnected - I stated that I checked my connection was fine and i restarted the application immediately. It doesn’t reconnect back to the game when it should. I have been playing HS for awhile now. Of course I have experienced a disconnection due to bad wifi or while playing in a train. I know and understand the difference. I am now talking about the time when I am extremely sure my connection is running perfectly well but this still happens.

  2. blizzard explained that there are different types of connections etc, this can happen even when my connection is working - then this is still an issue that has yet to be fixed, hence my request to start a list.

Happened to me once in a blue moon, there were similar rants about it as well on the old forum

It’s still your connection to the server.

That is what happened. You can believe or not as you choose.


Your connection to the internet and your connection to the server are not the same thing, though a loss of either will cause you to lose connection to your match. Restarting doesn’t always reconnect you to your game perfectly, nor does the info from Blizz say that it will.


You know that you’re being needlessly snarky when people are just trying to help.

Disconnection from a game of Hearthstone can occur even with perfectly functional wifi/ethernet/what-have-you. Did you check your player-to-player connection? Your player-to-server connection? Your player-to-battle. net connection?

What does a continued bug/glitch have anything to do with establishing a hitlist of would-be-hackers that you want to “hunt down”?

If you on PC open command prompt and type

ping -t

let it run and when the hover card bug happens to you press Ctrl-C in the command prompt window and post a screenshot.

Even if he did ping that still would not prove his connection to the server only the connection to the internet. That is the problem the loss of either will result in this.


If he ever loses connectivity to the internet (which the ping -t can show, assuming Google DNS is always up which it is) he also loses connectivity to Bnet or the HS server, by default. Trust me, I work with this stuff every day.

With that said, I’m not sure how long the loss has to last in order for the hover bug to occur, but I’d say it’s a pretty short window (a few consecutive pings maybe?) given how ppl don’t even notice they lose internet connectivity and still get disconnected from HS.

So you want Blizzard to fix the internet between their server and your house. I don’t think that’s going to happen. Maybe try a new provider?

Yes know that my point as said he can keep connection to the internet while losing connection to only blizzards server. Ping only checks for his connection to the internet not the connection to the server. As such this will not show of the bug was not the result of a disconnection only that it was not the result of a disconnection from the internet. As if he loses connection to the server or the game as part of that server it will also cause the same bug without the loss of connection to the internet.

To further that blizzard uses multi connections to pass data which is why you see things like being able to chat while being disconnected from the game as the chat server is a different server than the game server. Proving that it is possible to disconnect from only one of there was ever any doubt.

The most annoying thing about this bug (where you disconnect from the server even though your internet is perfectly fine) is not that it actually happens from time to time…

…the real undocumented problem that is rearing its ugly head is that players are PURPOSEFULLY hovering a card over the board for long periods of time to make you think you are encountering the bug.

This, in my opinion, is a form of cheating. You are trying to trick your opponent into thinking they are seeing the bug and they disconnect and try to reconnect thinking they are messed up. The bug is so known now that most people will not wait to see if a rope appears, they just immediately disconnect and reconnect if the card is hovering for more than a few seconds - scared that if they don’t act fast enough that they will lose their turn.

The problem with the bug is you have to react fast or you will lose your turn. People know this and they are using the bug to trick people in order to eat up time to disconnect and reconnect.

The sneaky thing is you can’t report these people and there’s no way to prove that this is their intention, so they can get away with doing it completely under the radar.

After all these YEARS of this bug existing, it’s still not fixed. It’s extremely annoying and the people pulling the stunt above are degenerate human beings.

The problem is that its not recognised as a DC in the first place. So many DC’s give the “you have been DC’d, reconnecting to your game” popup, yet after 6 years the system still fails to detect some disconnects?!? How this glitch can last for so long is beyond me, when we do get warnings for some, and not others.

Yeah…you should instantly get a message when you disconnect instead of getting the message minutes later.

I think a good solution would be for them to add a timer. If the timer hits the roper time and you don’t see the rope then you know you’ve disconnected. The problem is you’re waiting around for the rope thinking “did I d/c or is there still time left?” and before you know it, it’s too late.

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yea i do that too. My phone is pretty good, i usually lose 30 seconds max, most of the time i am still at my opponent turn (thankfully).

Lol, first time happen to me. It’s 11/16/2020, still ongoing. Gonna just leave the game running and see what happens. I have a feeling if I don’t disconnect he can’t play another game.

OP says a glitch not a cheat or hack. Glitch is separate when a player is cheating or using hacks to cheat. OP also confusing certain words to mean different meanings.

YOU got disconnected. HE is already playing another game. You can still let the game run of course…