Read 40 lorebooks

Did someone tested some new core cards discover tactics like ekopyen suggested ?? i think ( not tested ) now there are some silence/hex effects .

Confirmed. I have been able to get “Finley’s Musings” and “Halus’s Journal” by not killing anything else on my turns for the full game before the Storm Tyrant was played. It took a few tries before getting enough board power to survive for that long, forcing my opponent to do the trades himself.

Currently at 32/40. I don’t think any strat on how to summon the remaining 9 datamined lore books has been posted. Can we bring the ‘Cardback Puzzles’ crew on this achievement. They would solve this in a few hours :smiley:

Finally, a ray of hope! Looks like the game files in Patch 26.2 include new text strings for upcoming solo content, some of which have LOREBOOK in the string key!!

Looks like there will be at least 12 new lorebooks. Let us pray that hopefully there aren’t bugs that make these ones difficult to actually encounter :joy:


Hmm, looks like it’s not a fully-fledged solo adventure, but a limited-time Tavern Brawl! So not sure if reading the lorebooks will count towards the achievement in the Solo tab. If we’re lucky and it does, it would then be only a limited-time way to complete the achievement, which would kinda suck for folks who miss it. And if it doesn’t count towards the achievement at all, then oh boy it feels like this just may never ever get fixed :sob:

Here’s hoping it works in the Tavern brawl. I agree it’s not ideal if it is time-gated, but I would take that over nothing. This thread has been instrumental in helping me get to 34/40 Lorebooks so if the Brawl does progress the achievement, I will happily document my lorebook hunting and post solutions in this thread.


Alas, they don’t count :sob:


Do these tavern brawl lorebooks count towards the achievement though?

I have some good news! Hearthstone Software Engineer ClayByte made a post on the /r/hearthstone subreddit today and I replied with a comment asking about the Restless Reader bugged achievement. This was his response -

“Thanks for bringing this up! I chatted with the team and we made a ticket to investigate the issue further. I hope we can find a resolution for this as soon as possible.”

As far as I know, this the first public acknowledgement of the bug by a member of the dev team so here’s hoping we get a fix some time in the future!


Pls god let it happen!

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I just got Amulets of Evenlar lorebook in a Finley run.
I can say this I tried it several times, so I would assume this is just a low percentage rate drop

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Which lorebook did you get?

Sorry CheezCurls , not the best wording by me.
Already edited the post to make it more clear.
It was Amulets of Evenlar from C17 btw


This glitch is going to become legend. Its easily the most noticeable glitch currently in Hearthstone. Still at 32/40.

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I managed to get the book from Ozumat. she was called to our side with a kick , where there are no tentacles


and another!creature of the terrible seas and a half-digested book

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-deleted -

edit: ok this guy translated wrong, now i realize what he want to say

she was called to our side with a kick = it was summoned by an attack on our side of the board

ok i can confirm i got the “Half-Digested tome” to spawn ( on my side of board ) on ozumat fight with Halus :slight_smile:

edit: and the “Creatures of the ancient Seas”

just by attacking a tentacle no kills
both spawned on same turn


For real? Did they finally fix something?! If so maybe we should looking for the others as well!

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People something happened: i dropped prisoner log with Grace (using a discovered whirlpool on the 2 mana guy that eats a minion at the end of turn) against abyssal jailer…
No matter how many times i tried in the past, it never dropped…
Something has changed, maybe the dream has finally become true!


Got Zin-Azshari Crystal with Halus zone Enchanted Statue (Halus) , attacking and killing with outrider’s Axe a Sunken Banshee …
probabily the weapon is irrilevant but better more info than less.

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