blizz why? should i pay to play?
I don’t get the title. If you are 4500 how do you know what others are, and what is “two 8500”?
2558 posts and you dont know about firestone? its shows mmr and bots.
Number of posts means nothing (I may be dumb). My firestone replays only show the Rating I have (not MMR). How do you see other MMRs (or at least Ratings) and how do you see who is a “bot” in there?
not dumb. just hard to believe. ill post a link to some of my game play.
No you are not seeing MMR with Firestone. That is just their current rating. MMR is a an internal hidden rating you won’t see.
Even if you’re getting matched against 8500 rank players, I DON’T think that’s very fair if your regular rank is around 4500.
its none stop. I’m going to post some vids.
What was your rating the previous season when it ended?
BGs rating:
- Visible
- Resets every new season
- NOT used for matchmaking
Matchmaking rating (MMR):
- Used for matchmaking (obviously)
- Hidden
- Never resets, considers every BGs game you’ve ever played regardless of season
If you were a 8500 rating player last season, you take the first month or two of the next season off, and you start playing BGs again, you’ll be 0 rating playing against 8500 rating types and it’ll be completely fair.
Yeah, I’ve had a spate of people friending me during duos (not my favorite idea cause I’m on mobile but they’ve all been nice), and their ranking have been kinda all over the place. Ive had above 8k, and below 4k. Opponents as well.
Where do you see their Rating anyway? My replay/stats in FS only show my Rating. Do they have to be their Friends in or something?
never over 5500 i dont pay to play.
It’s part of the firestone BG addon. You can turn on and see your opponents rating in the lobby. Pretty sure the default is always top left. It’s been a while since i made adjustments to mine but i think on a fresh install that’s where it’s at when it’s turned on.
If you watch some of the top players you will see they have their lobby listed in the top left. It has a threshold so keep that in mind. Below a certain point it just says the players is below that rating. It’s really only for seeing if the lobby has players of 8.5K or better as that effects the points you do or don’t get in an individual lobby based on your placing.
I found the setting. It’s BY DEFAULT OFF and it says it’s about only the top players that appear in the Blizzard leaderboard because it pulls data only from the leaderboard which is limited to top players.
It says that’s MMR info and I don’t know if they misname Rank with that.
That means that anyone who gave themselves the same name as a leaderboard player is going to appear to have a very high rating, when in fact they don’t.
Anyone with 8K rating or greater is considered a top player and is on the leaderboards. If you aren’t on the leaderboards it just shows your battletag name and a arrow pointing down signifying that you are below the threshold to be ranked.
As i said it’s rudimentary but it gives you a generally idea of what kind of lobby you are playing in. Not a very useful tool though unless you are in the 13K+ Rating IMO.
really noone cares that much about hearthstone. lol.
I doubt it works the way Scr0tieMcB was describing, there’s probably a further identifier internally to separate names.
But you could ask at the Firestone discord (the dev is great).