Rare, but Velen (The Draenei synergy one) annoying in Wild

The new Velen that copies all Battlecries and Deathrattles of other Draenei is incredibly irritating to fight against. As the title says, it’s pretty rare to see in Wild, but I just went up against a Shudderwock Shaman that used it to stall out the game. Of course, I could barely interact with his board without being able to hit his minions with mine, and so I lost before Shudderwock even came down. Just a rant because it’s so fresh. I’d ask for a change, but both because it’s so rare to see AND there’s so much BS that can counter it in Wild, I doubt there will be one.


The Devs claim it was intentional. I used to be sure they’re full of it because they might have forgotten the interaction but now I’m not sure because a few years ago they had done similar statements for Shudderwock.

Whatever the truth is I find it lame because those people can’t balance anything well before the players create netdecks and show in practice what’s going on so they have no right to create flamboyant interactions.


Rare? I am barely playing, and seen it 3 times. An unkillable 7 mana taunt. Hopefully 2 Velen players get matched with each other.


It’s not rare. It’s in more and more decks as more people realize what it does. It’s basically an aggro killer for the most part so practically any non aggro deck is running it, even several otk decks.

It’s dumb and shouldn’t exist but it does. I imagine they change how the interaction works and make chain gang say summon another chain gang and kill it.


it is really annoying. having to pack a silence or two in every deck for the velen sometimes

My rank’s probably too low to see it frequently. I’m way down in Silver ranks.

silence is extremely useful and ive been running bob a lot most velen players dont destroy themselves they let you steal it with bob instead

Won’t take it out of the rez pool.

It needs to be transformed and then killed.

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yeah i guess bartender bob is a better universal answer than silence cards.

Me when transform effects! :astonished:

Really though, it’s wild. Just go under or (better yet) play Standard.

“Just go to a different format, bro”. No thanks. I rather enjoy Wild because I don’t have to CONSTANTLY change my deck. I used to play Magic: the Gathering, and had the same thing happen. I got tired of having to update my deck every rotation, so I ran off to Commander. Never looked back.

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doesnt matter

silence doesnt destroy it a nd in wild we even have a card able to silence and freeze !

Really? So when they raise dead and play two more of them you won’t mind?

Thanks, Ralphie. Have you seen Supernintendo Chalmers lately?

Boi do I have some bad news for you

p e e r c r e w o p

This one silly little thing will basically invalidate any old deck every single expansion. If I tried to play my favorite deck of all time (C’Thun Jade Rogue) guarenteed I’d get like, maybe 1 win total.

I find Wild playable with Standard-tier-power decks up to diamond 10, then I start facing almost exclusively the real netdecks of Wild and good luck with those.

I once got to D5 Wild with doing achievements with Standard cards and I have no clue how I managed that.

It was probably equivalent to getting Legend. Maybe they got too confused by not expecting the deck.

Many times I found wild harder than standard. Last month I went to wild legend with DK, and in standard, the same deck didn’t perform well. Previously I went to legend in both formats with DH in 2020.

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didnt you notice the minion has to die twice for raise dead to get you copies ?

this guy can make trading the silenced velen a bit harder

Standard is more tryhard than Wild in general, because most players with aspirations to become famous care to play Standard because that’s where the competitions with prizes are held, but you’ll usually hit a wall at some point or later with a Standard deck in Wild because someone is going to mill your entire deck on round 1 or something else ludicrous.

I was surprised, that my standard deck made it into wild legend.

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