Hey let’s see who can predict which colossal minions will be the best.
My ranking:
1- Paladin
2- Hunter
3- Warrior
4- Rogue
5- Shaman
6- Mage
7- Warlock
8 - Priest
9- Druid
10- Demon Hunter
Hey let’s see who can predict which colossal minions will be the best.
My ranking:
1- Paladin
2- Hunter
3- Warrior
4- Rogue
5- Shaman
6- Mage
7- Warlock
8 - Priest
9- Druid
10- Demon Hunter
I’m really just sad that druid stuff isn’t usually as cool as other classes I think the druid’s colossal is going to flop because it doesn’t even have rush for its effect I’m surprised you got demon hunter’s at the bottom of the barrel though? What makes you think he won’t be good?
3-Demon Hunter
You put the Hunter one at 9th? It’s like one of the best, as is the Demon Hunter. Are you sure your ranking isn’t backwards?
Best to Worst:
Demon Hunter
What makes the DH one one of the best? I’m really not seeing it. It’s just a bunch of stats and 4 randomly distributed damage the turn it is played. And then the main body only has an effect if the stalks survive. It’s pretty good, at least for a token-style DH list, but it doesn’t seem like that’s enough to make it one of the top tier options. What is it you think I’m missing?
Overall, though I’d agree with most of Schyla’s list. I’d just bump DH down below Paladin and maybe knock Warrior down slightly lower as well.
It’s essentially a 7 mana deal 4 damage to the enemy hero summon a 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/6. It’s crazy for the stats. If you don’t deal with it, you’re likely going to be dead next turn. And that’s only if they pay 7 mana for it, which they likely aren’t going to. I see it as a “kill this now or die next turn” card.
I simply can’t see what everyone is seeing about DH colossal. It’s lame stats with a lame effect that requires both the body and the tentacles to survive to have a good payoff. Unless the entire token package is good, I don’t think it will be relevant.
The hunter one is miles better than it even at 9th place. I put it there because the immediate effect is kinda small, 2 2/2 with rush only if you play it from hand, and doesn’t give a big payoff if you kill the main 5/5 head before the other heads. But since the payoff is so big if you can’t kill it, I probably should’ve ranked it better.
I see it more as cast a slightly better Arcane Missiles and play 7/14 across 5 bodies.
And the earliest DH can cheat this out is turn 5, and that’s only if they have the coin to cheat out Sigil of Reckoning on 4 or cheat out Caria on 5.
That’s not too early for most decks to be able to deal with it.
Maybe you don’t know that the Hunter one is a Colossal that essentially summons 4 3/1 minions and a 5/5 that forces one to kill the 5/5 first before doing anything else?
7 mana
get a 5/5 3/1 3/1 3/1 3/1 and potentially kill 2 enemy minions is crazy
Yeah I misremembered the stats, even though it’s not great on a empty board if you can make a single trade it’s a lot of threats. I’ll stealthly bump it up some positions. The paladin is still my top pick because I think the entire deck will be very powerful.
So, if the DH manages to have Wayward Sage in hand and in Outcast position on turn 2-3 and has either Sigil of Reckoning or Caria in the correct position to receive Sage’s discount (and if going the Sigil route, also has the Colossal in hand in time), then they can cheat out the Colossal on turn 4, but only if they have the coin.
That’s far too unreliable to make the DH Colossal powerful enough to be at the top of the rankings.
Why do you keep bringing up Caria? I’m not sure I understand why you would run her.
Based on the changes to the core, I suspect the token package will keep getting support until it is good.
Heres my top :
6:Demon Hunter
9: Shaman
10: Druid
Damn nobody seems to be putting their money in the shaman colossal. In my head the token package seems so powerful, with so many building options, that even if it doesn’t show up in the best versions I still think it will be very useful.
It was a realy hard choice for me not to put it dead last.
If you run Caria alongside Xhilag, you have two ways to cheat out the Colossal — either on its own or via Caria if it’s still in the deck. Plus Caria can come down a turn earlier and provides an option to summon Xhilag twice.
I don’t know whether you’d actually want to run her in a deck with Xhilag. I’m just including her to try to cover all the possible options for cheating out the Colossal a turn or two early.
Plus, if you’re only running Sigil to cheat out the Colossal, you’re required to have a dead turn immediately before it hits the board, which lowers the chance that the opponent can’t answer it even further. Caria doesn’t have that issue.
I was thinking it would fit more into a Quest DH trying to draw and reduce. DH is my least played class, so I wouldn’t know the optimal strategy. It’s good at clearing the board and that’s the perfect time to play this.