I am sitting in a 14 minute queue in my pre Legend climb, still in queue as I type this.
Please just fix this already, this is crazy.
I mean you just gonna have to tank your mmr a little :-). Teasing, but man i am glad my mmr isnt as high as yours!
They do need to fix it though
Are you sure it’s not just a bug? It happens to me from time to time, that I find myself in a 2-3 min queue, but for me, that’s not normal (unless a situation like 2 days ago arises), so I just cancel the queue and start it again
Usually I then get some error, and then I find a match normally.
Cuz that doesn’t sound like a normal queue time to me, not even for a top 20 player
I cancelled eventually and there was no error, so I just went back into queue and kept waiting, eventually it found a game after 5 mins vs Furyhunter because he just logged on. I have played against him 2 games in a row now.
Qwark finished top 17. Those are broken levels of rank. The game is not designed to be convenient for you Quark.
Might as well aim for the Championship at this point, might make some money on top.
I will try to compete a little this year, but only for the golden card back. Making actual money in competitive is hard because the way tournaments are designed to be only best of 3 matches and in some cases best of 1 means RNG dictates the winners.
I keep getting matched against same 2 people in my placement games on NA
It seems re-opening the Chinese server might be a final nail in the coffin for western HS
EU is having problems with queue times too from what I’ve seen, which makes sense because the player base is only like 15-20% larger than Americas. They may need to introduce a different matchmaking mmr system specifically in Americas and EU to allow for a greater gap in player matching, with less mmr gained or lost the bigger the gap.
I’ve never had such problems on EU before, but then again, I haven’t really been in a situation which could warrant it, as my rank on EU is usually higher (worse) than on NA. which is ironic, considering that EU is my main server
But then again, as you said, it’s played by more people, so that explains both lower queue times AND worse rank there
I think I’m seeing many more Chinese on EU than on NA, and if they’re anything like me, it’s because EU is their 2nd server, and NA 3rd, just like for me NA is 2nd, Asian was 3rd (it’s like the Sun, going from East to West xD)
This is just the heartwarming confirmation that everyones new years eve resolution to take a step back from the game is in full force.
The 14 minute queue times should be commended!
Somehow got into top 70 on NA (won’t last long, lol) and remembered how games suddenly become more drawn out and control-ly, even between two aggro decks
Every side dancing on the edge, not quite ready to commit, until you’re just dead suddenly
Anyway, the point is, I dislike such games. I get mentally tired from long, drawn out games, where I’m supposed to practice discipline and do everything which I normally do on a whim, intuitively, much slower and more methodical.
It drains me. So, one has to ask themselves, “why in the world would anyone allow it to be so control-ly, drawn out and draining”?
And the answer is: long queue times.
Nobody wants to spend 14 minutes on a queue just to end the game in 2
It’s not sustainable. Hence, the “Drawn out effect” crystallizes in front of us.
I prefer the games to end fast anyways. I haven’t played a control deck in maybe 6 months or something. Games take too long, plus in general I think you have less control over a game the longer it goes because somebody has to eventually win and it will be from a random element in most control games.
So weirdly I prefer a 2-7 min game even if the queue takes that long.
I saw too that the top of legend is too aggro(fast) or at best early-mid-range this week. But my theory is much simpler. The decks are just better so it’s a power creep situation on the speedy side.
Why play something slow if a fast deck will just win without more effort? The best counter against my otk lynessa today seemed to be either dirty rat or my draw low rolling.
Yep, same here, but we’re in the minority xD
Take a look around, whole forum is a control freak
Yeah, quick mathematical or even economic calculation proves it right off the bat
If we define agency = average number of EV+ options per turn per game
Now, the more turns we have in the game, the less each one is worth individually, with first turn (or even Mulligan, actually) thus being the highest agency turn in the game (in mathematics, simple division shows that, in economics it’s the law of diminishing returns or something along those lines)
People don’t even realize how correct they are when they say “I knew I lost this in the mulligan”. But telling them that won’t do anyone good xD
You’re overthinking it there. It’s only a factor of average duration of the deck and win rate. D0nkey has a nice new metric that shows “climbing” rate (which is basically just duration and win rate combined).
it’s always tough at the beginning of the month even at 600s its around 4 mins queue