Ranked Play Bug For Legend Players

When I got legend I fell lower then 3000 against unnerfed demon hunters. No big deal, I just wanted to mess with some different things on Shaman. However, after about 3000 legend I would only play non-legend players and I lose rating whether I win or lose. It’s somewhat depressing, now I’m just playing platinum players, probably not that satisfying for them either.

On my way to legend I was playing several pro players, but it seems like when I became legend my MMR got destroyed and continues to get worse despite winning. Most likely an unintentional bug with the ladder system. Please help!

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Same issue, on EU servers at legendary rank playing non-legend players mostly winning them and losing ranking all the time
Also each time I log on in game I found that my rank is also decreased by a lot, sometime even by 1000 !!!
Now I am at rank 16526
Looks that new ranking system is really broken

Same thing for me, on US servers. Win or lose, rating still goes down. Not getting matched against other legend players.

today, was at rank 23000 legend, i won a game and i went 23090…what the hell is it happening?

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your ranking isnt fixed and can wary both from you losing games and from others winning games. Meaning people ranked lower can win games and move pass you aswell as platinum players reaching legend and scoring a higher legend rank than your current, in which case they will also move past you and you will drop in rank

Totally a bug, im legend 14k no matter if i win or lose my rank decreases every game. IM legend player facing bronze new players now.

I’ve been having a similar issue for days on US servers. Half my games are matched with Diamond players, with rank according to where I am in Legend (If I’m around 3k, it’s Diamond 4. If I drop to 6k, it’s Diamond 6-8.) Seems like there’s a glitch somewhere that matches your relative position in your category (e.g. Legend, Diamond, etc.) but doesn’t keep you in the category.

This is not fun, please fix.

this existed long before the new ladder system. as lower ranked legend it was not uncommon to play vs players as low as rank 4-5 if there were odd hours with fewer players online.