Rank at which you enter legend

I mean, that’s exactly what they had to D5, so it’s not really a change, but I get it.

Imagine playing those same people but not even getting legend rewards.

Bare minimum? They need to let win streak bonus star happen in D5-1 if rank doesn’t matter in the matching anymore. It’s the least they can do to make up for the change to the people you mentioned.

I’d personally just give the 11 star bonus to everyone that gets legend at this point. There’s no real reason not to anymore.


There’s generally a lot of contamination of what skill means in this game because the MMR does not go together with the Rank.

E.g. if I play very few games but I don’t lose much I start getting some obscenely good players on cutting edge netdecks.

But I may not even be in platinum yet; anyway it’s not THAT important to me; it’s just 1 extra pack at the end of the day.

You get free decks that can compete at legend rank easily…

Plague DK… BSM… flood paladin etc.


  1. the MMR system is designed anywhere close to competently, AND
  2. the player(s) being analyzed has a sufficiently large number of games played (ever, not just this month)

Then: skill and MMR are basically the same thing.

Coming up with good rating systems for competitive games to use for matchmaking purposes isn’t a new problem. It’s as old as chess. The math is pretty much solved. There’s no excuse for a game developer messing it up.

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I get that it can be improved, but it’s going to be off no matter what. They try to keep people playing and at the same time have an internal number to gauge their skill; i.e. they are forced to artificially dump the rank number before players play enough games; they figuratively say to people “play a lot of games first before the rank even makes sense as a number”.

I don’t require advice to do it. I agree with your advice and I’ve gone Legend,

I was saying people who have never Legend usually still find it important.

No, it’s not “going to be off no matter what.” This is something that computers are FAR better at than human beings. It’s trivial to program an MMR system that’s better at measuring skill than human beings can calculate.

If your point here is that perfection doesn’t exist, well no duh Sherlock.

I mean the rank is going to be off compared to the MMR. They want to keep people engaged in the game for at least a few dozen games a month, hence at least for the start of the month the rank is going to be a nonsense number/indicator; e.g. when the Legend 1 player starts playing they are supposedly chicken 10 rank; zero relation to the reality of their skill.

Outside of Legend, rank is a participation trophy to make you think you’re better at the game than you actually are, such that normies might convince themselves to spend money on microtransactions.

It’s in no way even supposed to be related to a hidden parameter measuring skill to ensure better matchmaking.

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