Raise the 7 minion limit to 10!

It makes more sense to raise the limit for minion count to 10, which matches our maximum mana and cards in hand. And it would allow for more interesting gameplay.

Also lower player HP down to 10.

And turn time to 10 seconds.


and just how do you expect someone on a smartphone with a screensize of say 4.5" inches to be able to play with so many minions (up to 20 in your proposal) having much smaller icons to interact with and so more prone to making mistakes or just not enough room to actually make the small enough gesture on the touchscreen to do what they wish to.

On my PC i dont have a real estate issue as I play on my 50" i have for a monitor. But I also know the very same game can be played on my phone screen too. so it makes sense that they keep the arbitrary game limits to being based on the lowest common denominator’s abilities.


dont worry, druid will get a bigger board here soon, they will get more hand space soon too

My bet is they play warlock

Insanity or painlock

If he played druid, he wouldnt say max mana is 10 xd

How would you accomodate such change knowing that hand size can reach 12 and that there’s no known maximum for max mana ?