What makes you think Mage doesn’t do that? Have you tried to suck it up and learn to play a good Mage list to know if your statement is truthful?
You played minami’s list and achieved D5. Now it’s time to adapt or go back to Wild but complaining while having played 1 game with Rainbow Mage is silly.
Not doing the best thing in the situation isn’t a backfire though, it’s still value added even if it isn’t the effect you wanted in that moment.
The stats on this card are very strong, and it’s one of the strongest cards mage has right now.
It just isn’t always going to be amazing every turn in every situation.
But yes, you will be able to find people mad at random outcomes the card has, and lots of them. Even rolling loaded dice you don’t always roll perfectly.
The card is one of the strongest cards they’ve made for mage. It’s far better than “not that bad.” It’s fine if you don’t like the design, that’s subjective. The average power of this card is not subjective though.
Then enlighten me. Because from what I know if one has played enough Rainbow and played Khadgar a dozen of times they would have realized how good he is by now.
You refuting that only tells me you haven’t played it enough and just had an unlucky experience with him.
So, how many games have you played?
I don’t like the design. You nailed that take.
Idc if it is the most powerful card ever printed, when it is still RNG dictated, while other classes get clear cut effects from cards that don’t require crossing your fingers.
For me it is far simpler than that, I think.
This is a conditional yogg, or reno.
So it is less RNG than what we have been stuck with before?
Big deal.
That’s like saying: “We gave you less Ebola this time, mage players.”
Well, I am thrilled to see other classes getting the same garbage.
Maybe now players will complain until team 5 gets a better idea.
I have no issues with RNG we talked about this before i dont mind it.
I just dont enjoy people lying to my face ,change the description on the card and all this is over for me.
Or do your job and make the card work as advertised…
I just want the level of RNG dialed back, period.
This game should work on the principles of deliberation and smart trading, with luck of the draw being the variable, as it always did, until we got a lead designer who shall remain nameless, and they intentionally destroyed it.
Are you talking about this short video that shows the Wisdomball casting one spell, or were there other things making you think this card should work differently?
Yes the video is a huge part of it but its not only that i also posted many examples that should not happen when the card has that description.
It was a shaddy market plot to create hype around the card, they made sure to give the content creators a heads up on the card as well(they had videos ready to drop when the card reveal came out), but deliberately lefted out key information (like the pool of cards the card uses to cast spells).
This resulted on pure lunacy with people saying this was the most broken card ever made for Hearthstone.
The communication on this card was pretty clear shortly after reveal though the typical channels.
Video launched, we had some “omg is this like Zilliax?” Comments.
Within a few minutes: nope, it uses some logic to narrow the spell pool, then is random (prefers enemy targets) beyond that.
RidiculousHat on Twitter was pretty open and clear about it. The only thing he wouldn’t say was what the exact conditions for each spell to be in the pool were beyond arcane missiles requiring a 1 health enemy minion.
So, a card that requires an educated guess for the first play, and then RNG takes over after that? Is that right?
That seems like one play’s worth of reliable value, then it’s just A. Reno after that?
But A Reno seems better. At least we got some armor.