Ragnaros Board Not Interactable

When someone uses the new Ragnaros skin, you can no longer click on the board to interact with all the different things on the board itself.


Let’s bump this post up to be seen more - I also encountered this and hopefully it is just a bug that needs to be fixed. Very frustrating that one player can just completely overhaul how you interact with the game on your own end.


What’s really frustrating is that Blizz hasn’t even acknowledged this is a problem. Shaking my head…

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I got a reply on reddit the other day from RidiculousHat that they are actually looking into the issue, here’s what was said:

"this is a known issue and we are working on addressing it - it takes a little time, but we will address both his hero power frame color for golden heroes and the inactive clickables when he’s in play "


Thank you for the info. Sometimes, these things are just not widely communicated.

I’d like to bump this.
They fixed the clickables for Ragnaros’s side of the board, but the opponent’s are not.

Please fix this!