Quikboar Battleground Review

Currently quilboars are dominating each and everygame in Battlegrouns. Level 3 quilboars are already upgrading bloodgems to provide more health and attack power. Level 6 quilboar further improving bloodgems +1/+1 each turn killing the game. It should be remade I believe.

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Virtually every lobby I play in duos has the first place team with quills if they are available. Not much comes close tbh. They are slightly overturned. Rugaag to 5 is probably appropriate since you can mindlessly pivot to quills if you find him early and win.

Quillboars are wild. End game is like helldiver difficulty.

Demons can out scale Quillboar, especially in Murloc, Naga or Dragon lobbies or if you’re Shudderwock. The problem is that Fellbat really can’t compete. Felboar can, multiple False Implicator can (easy to Golden with the Tavern spell), Picky Eater can with help from Deathscale/Murkeye (even easier to Golden). Eating 5-6 minions per turn and only getting 1x stats instead of 2x isn’t going to do it, but something like 2x golden Implicator, golden Picky Eater, normal Murkeye/golden Deathscale, normal Enchanter, that’ll do it. Normally my endgame Demon boards aren’t quite that good, but early Implicators and Picky Eaters are really strong because they start scaling way before Quillboar do.

The one thing that’s really annoying though is that Cultist is just dead in any Quillboar lobby. They WILL Bramblewitch you if they have half a brain, and you will lose. Unless you’re Teron, in which case nevermind.

Personally I don’t want to see Quillboar nerfed, I don’t want to see Demons nerfed, I just want to see other tribes buffed. I want the Tier 5 Beast that damages and increases Health to be an end of turn effect — yes, during Recruit not Combat. Except Health first, then damage. And make it Tier 4. I also want a Battlecry that does the same thing at a lower tier.

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If it’s only 1/1 you’re doing it wrong.

I don’t know about that. Maybe in lower MMR lobbies your opponents will give you more turns to assemble, but at 7000ish where I am, it’s really hard to scale with Pokey at all because by the time you get to Tier 6 half the lobby is dead already and you’ve got maybe three or four turns left in the game. Not every time, sometimes you get lucky and matches are close, with a lot of ties or low damage losses, but if you spend too much on rolling or tiering you’re gonna take 15.

Most of the time my gem scaling is just one Tier 3 Deathrattle early, 3 of the Tier 3 Battlecry (so one Golden) and a Brann or the Battlecry Tavern Spell for at least the golden Battlecry. I rarely get Health in gems above +7 because unlike Demons going Rylak greed is far more likely to get you killed with Quillboar. Something like +11/+7 is usually more than enough. It’s really hard to win with Quillboar at higher MMR without pulling off a golden Jazzer, and you absolutely need Bannerboar before Enchanter and not the other way around.

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QBs and Dragons typically are the builds I see winning lobbies where half the lobby is gone by turn 11/12. QBs feel like the only tribe you want to scale tiers as quick as possible, but everything else feels like push tier 4 quickly and chill unless somehow tiering up is beneficial. I don’t know if that’s a matter of too many strong units around those tiers (most likely) or maybe it’s because I’m only in the 5k range of mmr as I haven’t played much this season yet to push to at least 7k+ grind.