Question Regarding New Keyword Invoke and the Devoted Maniac

So I’m not new to HS but I was testing out the devoted maniac, a card that had the Invoke text and realized it didn’t trigger the galakrond the unbreakable (warrior class galakrond) card in my hand.
This got me thinking, do only class invoke cards trigger the class legendary dragons? A little confused on how invoke triggers my warrior legendary galakrond. Thanks for the help!

You should probably start by reading up on the Galakrond blog post:

Also, the Warrior version’s Hero Power gives you +3 Attack, so if you didn’t pay attention to that part you could easily have missed it.

Invoke doesn’t actually play the Galakrond card, if that’s what you mean by “trigger”. It executes its hero power and upgrades the card for when you do play it.

What you described is actually my question. what I thought should happen is if I have the galakrond (warrior version) card in my hand and I play a devoted maniac Which has Invoke in the card text, I assume my galakrond would upgrade - instead of drawing 1 card, it should now draw two cards. However the galakrond card doesn’t upgrade and just gives my hero 3 attack. Sorry if I didn’t explain it clearly originally and hopefully this better explains my question.

You need to Invoke twice to upgrade.