Question about rating changes in bgs

So myself and a buddy have been rocking duos bgs lately. I’m at 5000 ish and he’s at 5500 ish. My question is, why does he have so many more points than I do? A couple hundred I understand because I’ve had to Leave a couple games for reasons but a 300 point difference is a lot. We only play duos with each other and he regularly gets more points than me. We started comparing after every match and I haven’t gotten more points than him ever. Even when I carry the match.

His internal MMR is significantly higher than yours. Internal MMR does NOT reset between seasons.

I don’t know whether or not solo BGs performance impacts Duos MMR. If it does then he’ll get more points in Duos until his Duos rating is close to his solo rating.

They each have their own separate MMR.

Lower. He gets more points.


If your hidden MMR is high, because you finished high in the previous season, then after your BGs rating resets to 0 with the new season, you gain ratings points faster. Kinda like bonus stars in Ranked. Higher MMR = more points for a game, higher BGs rating = less points for a game. Cap is +300 per win but higher MMR maintains cap for longer.

You’re making an assumption there.
They never talked about last season.

Well if it’s the first season that they’re playing in, then the only way to change (hidden) MMR without a corresponding change to (visible) BGs rating is to get above a rating floor and then lose, having that floor prevent you from losing points. There’s no such thing as an MMR floor.

I want to see that in Devs’ writing. If they do it that way it’s too simplistic; though I admit by claiming that I now claim we were both wrong; it should depend.

I mean if you have a low MMR and you play with higher MMRs randomly you should be getting MMR faster and vice versa because it’s only fair.

You can’t. Matchmaking is by MMR. That’s what MMR stands for — match making rating. Please turn your brain on.

The only way to kinda subvert it is to enter a lobby as a group with friends (from your friends list), and even then it’s just going to average the MMR of your group and use that for matchmaking. But that’s anything but random.

Nope you’ve missed some official Devs’ statements. They widen the search routinely when the MMR you have is not found easily on opponents; it’s the main reason it takes a variable time to find opponents in Constructed; if it finds your almost-exact MMR immediately it doesn’t wait at all.

In DUOS: the team is an extra reason to have variable MMR opponents; it’s technically inevitable even; and it would be fair to give you MORE rewards at MMR if most opponents are higher MMR (unless the Devs are bad at making it fair (which is not impossible I know)).

It is widened per every few seconds waiting in queue. If you queue quickly, it is NOT significantly widened. If you’re not a statistically anomaly then there is no widening; you need to have extremely high or extremely low MMR for it to be a factor.

You keep trying to invent ways in your head that these things can happen to you. THEY CAN NOT. You are too normal.

But simply playing with a friend with a different MMR will make you play against players that won’t have your MMR…
Because the average of duos should be the same doesn’t mean you will have the same as your opponents
Wich is also true when playing regular battlegrounds with a party
There’s no point in trying to apply the constructed matchmaking to battlegrounds when what is being discussed is how it is affected at the end of the game

Matchmaking by MMR is matchmaking by MMR. The only difference is whether two things or eight things go in each bucket.

The topic is not how the bucket is filled, but how those things have changed once you’ve emptied the bucket. You don’t need to know the former to know the later.

Your ego tries to demean others so much and it only exposes you don’t get how this game works. To have an 100% identical MMR with an ONLINE player is extremely unlikely: you are ALWAYS at best “close” to others on MMR when you queue and match fast.

Whenever your mundane MMR takes 20 seconds or 40 seconds more it means it didn’t find fast anyone very close to your MMR and it MAY have widened a little (the Legend 1 tier players routinely wait for 4 minutes (so I’m aware I’m not them either)).

The system will always look for player sin the pool with an MMR close to yours but it will quickly switch to putting lower MMR player sinto the pool if it cannot find any. It’s actually a bad thing for high ranked players because the threshold to getting points to climb your rating drops and the amount you get for placing drops based on the amount of much lower MMR player sin your lobby.

IE: in their previous lobby a 4th paid out 5-10 pts to their rating and in the next lobby a 4th place gives negative value to your rating. This is specifically why it is SO HARD to climb to 17-18K in a season. You essentially need to 1st place EVERY game to accomplish that feat.

There’s only two explanations for this. The first is that you both ended the previous Duo season at different MMR. The other one is that someone is playing DUO’s not with the other and is gaining or losing MMR based on how they are doing when you aren’t playing together.

It doesn’t try to get only lower next. It tries to get ANYONE who is lower OR higher on a wider spread of MMR; e.g. on the initial queue it might look only for plus/minus 1% your MMR but after 10 seconds it might go to plus/minus 3% your MMR and so on.

If there more people higher than you: you might get more from there with a higher probability and vice versa; but it’s never certain; to some extend the match maker is a black box because the game is closed source (it may have “bad luck protection”).

Okay i should have been more specific. I meant that if it cannot find those with similar MMR it will widen its search for ANY MMR close to you. It could go higher unless you are one of the ones at the top. In which case you are pretty much always getting paired lower unless a couple of the top players are available and queuing at the same time.

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How many people can you accuse of this in a day before you maybe consider that there’s this pattern of people telling you similar things and maybe, just maybe, they aren’t the issue?


If you are in the middle of the distribution it’s nearly certain you have identical MMR to dozens of online players, especially early in the month.

They told us they norm the distribution to a bell curve at the start of each month. Definitionally, the middle MMR would also be the mode at that point in the month - thousands of players with identical MMR.

If you play that pool all month, your MMR will barely change at all.

It’s ~3 specific people. I know exactly who they are. I reply to 100 people and 97 are not them; so you can say whatever you want; you are not convincing me I say it to everyone when it’s very clear I say it only to those ~3.