I have the quest to play 5 fel, shadow or other type of card (not saying the 3rd one as it’s evil and I don’t want anything to do with it). I played fel cards as dh and got 0 progress. Please advise.
I tried all the 3 types multiple times and it just seems to be bugged.
Unless hotfixed it wont be doable at all.
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Same here, the quest does not work, blizzard help!
Take it to the bug report forum, not here.
Is it limited to specific game modes? What mode did you play the cards in?
Oh my bad. I thought this was big report for some reason.
@NeonGhost we’ll definitely tried it in casual and might also have tried in wild.
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I have tried to do it in standard, wild, and casual and nada.
Is it the quest to play 5 spells? of a certain type.
generally I knock them off in mercenaries.
The quest is just completely bugged and doesn’t do anything at the moment:
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