Quest progression is not being updated

u have to log out and back in which is super annoying…


I agree and will add this thread with the others. I would love to pin the actual topic to the top.

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I’ve discovered a person does not have to log out of bnet launcher, only to exit Hearthstone and then hit Play, once more…in order for anything to update. I hope the issue gets resolved some time this week. Buutttttt, no skin off my back, I suppose. Just, anyone who had the power to correct the issue and didn’t. Buwahahha!! cough. Sorry.

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Bumping. We need this seen.

It’s been seen many times. I posted about it 4 days ago and they still have done nothing to fix it in that time.

Seen, and ignored. As a matter of fact, they even moved the bug report to community discussion. So I guess it’s not a bug.

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I will literally stop playing if they think it’s not a bug.

I am not able to complete any of my quests. I challenged a friend. That quest was the first one to not fire. From then on none of my quests progressed. I tried logging out, logging in, waiting over the weekend, checking for updates, cycling my quests. When I cycled a normal quest it did not get replaced; when I cycled the challenge a friend, it was replaced (or was it the other way around?).

Edit: Logging off and on works for normal quests. The challenge a friend quest did not update and I had to cycle it.

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I first tought i was playing battlegrounds too soon. And just now that i must have been a little too drunk yesterday when i realised this was what is the problem :slight_smile:

Not only is the quest bug a problem (So it appears whatever they broke and screwed up impacted other features of the game), just finished an arena run and got a card pack in my chest. Go to the card pack redemption area… Oh look! No card pack there waiting for me to open!


AMAZING! A card pack MAGICALLY appeared with no explanation as to why I received it. I can only assume that it was the pack I was supposed to have gotten when I opened my arena chest and claimed the rewards. But we all know what they say about using the word assume. Perhaps Blizzard could elaborate on why I received this pack so I don’t make an Equus asinus of me and those that are not me.

Edit 6h later: Oh look! it just happened again. This magical card pack.

Checking known issues, they know about the quest bug.

Edit 2: It’s like the energizer bunny… Still looking…

They make no mention of it happening to arena card packs. I wonder if I should tell them it happened when I claimed my:

as it did not appear either until I restarted. This is not listed either in known issues. So far we have 3 issues, 1 they know about, 2 they don’t after 6 days (I think that’s about right).

It doesn’t take a university degree developer to correlate that the problem didn’t happen prior to the patch and then appeared after the patch.

It would be safe to pursue the fact that going through only the lines of code that were changed with the previous patch rather than all millions(?) billions(?) lines of code to try and find the issue might be the fastest route, and since they accomplished and patched it in 1 week, finding it should be just as quick if not sooner since they are not really writing a bunch of stuff, and actually doing more reading than writing, debugging what they wrote.

But meh, my common sense must be off since I’m not a university degree developer with 7+ years exp.

They should roll back to the previous patch. I’ve never seen them do that though. I’d swallow my pride, then work on the bugs on a different server environment, then push the update. This company never tests before patch’s go live.

IM a new player and my Apprentice Track progression is not moving anymore. Most of the task have completed but now im just stuck at LV 11. and logging out and in does not work for me. its so frustrating i cant even unlock the rest of the game with out skiping the apprentice track and giving up all the free stuff.

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