Q&A for DOD [Player Initiated]

Hi all,
There was a Q&A for the RoS expansion, thus I thought I shall make one for DoD.

I believe everyone is excited and may have many questions in your mind.
So, why not gather your questions here, and let’ work to improve communication between Dev and the player base.

NOTE: This is not an official thread

To everyone: Remember to be Civil and CoC Rules. Good Luck and Have Fun




As the very person saying that in the video, I can honestly say we mean it.
Frequency is the very first thing we can address by looking for opportunities to share more often the things we are working on, as much as possible in a way that will feel timely and relevant. Additionally I would say we want to be even more honest with our players, meaning here sharing not only those things we are excited about but also the things we are concerned about or mistakes we have made and want to address.

I know the Hearthstone team is excited for the opportunity to engage with you and you can expect to see more frequent articles, blog posts, AMA’s, behind the scenes and hearth side chats that will introduce you to a broader range of developers on the team. To your point specifically we have cited our want to do this separate from proximity to expansions.

Q: Are we going to discover some Murloc tribes that could be part of a different class? Warlock has been left in the darkness with only one Murloc. Can we expect surprises in the close future?

Q: When will you finally say you support Face Hunter? Is it just a matter of time?

Q: What is the Ragnaros card you have planned this year?

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Ragnadragos, 8 cost neutral legendary. 8/8. Battlecry - If you are holding a dragon, add Ragnaros to your hand.


contains some info noteworthy for those unaware.