Psa: spammy arcanist vs Bubbler

Doesn’t work.

As in if bubbler dies first from spammy first hit, and no other minions die, it doesn’t trigger spammy effect to repeat

I can guess why that is (order the game checks the condition) but I will leave it to the forums to discuss if this is desired.


Seems like it shouldn’t work that way, just my two cents. I’d expect the battlecry to repeat after it kills the bubbler.

May be intended in a strange way.
Arcanist activates. Blubber takes damage. It does not die. It’s ability activates. It then dies by itself, like a dumbass. Chain broken.

May make sense in a mechanical view, not ao much as a player.


this is probably how they coded; the question is “should this be changed?”

I think the anwer is yes: if it dies, it doesn’t matter when it happens. If the cause was arcanist battlecry, then the battlecry should continue


It’s a bug based on the new card having a very unique effect.

On trigger effects not happen during other card effects and spammy arcanist only does a dead check.

So it would end something like this
(using very weird language so non programmers understand):

While ( Minions are still dying) {
Do spammy arcanist effect
Check deathrattle effects

Check for other triggers.

So basically spammy arcanist effect checks only for natural deaths and deathrattle effects.

And when it finishes the minion gonna have taken more than 1 damage if the effect activated more than once.

Therefore not killing the 2/4 minion.

Obviously this is only what i can imagine that it’s happening. Would be very helpful if someone tested arcanist vs only the New minion.

Sounds like a bug…but, I can see the reasoning being that Spammy isn’t killing the minion, the Bubbler is killing itself.

But that also shouldn’t matter. Spammy doesn’t say “If it dies to Spammy Arcanist”. Probably a bug that will be fixed imo.

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im pretty sure it isnt a bug. bubbler dies cause of its own effect not because of the spammy arcanist. there might be a tiny bit of room for interpretation regarding the wording of spammy but it should still be pretty clear that the last part of the effect refers to the first part (the 1dmg aoe)

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Would be interesting to test with Jandice Barov. Play Spammy Arcanist, see if the game applies the logic “it’s not Spammy Arcanist that killed the minion, it’s Jandice Barov’s effect”. If it doesn’t apply that logic and Spammy Arcanist continues (of course, nothing else should have died, so remove Jandice and other 1-health minions first), it’s a bug for sure.

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Not sure if intended or not, but I feel it should trigger

Just my two cents

Epic · Minion · Fractured in Alterac Valley · Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all other minions. If any die, repeat this.

It’s definitely a bug.

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i heavily doubt its a bug. “if any die” checks for the 1 dmg aoe killing something the regular way. not any outer circumstances.

Yup. The coding is likely going:

Spammy 1 damage
Did any die?
Stop Spammy
Bubbler triggers

and it should be
Spammy 1 damage
Bubbler Triggers
Did any die?
Continue Spammy


I’m going against the consensus and say working as intended. Similar interactions have existed for years, and the text of other minions has not awarded an extra activation.

For example:

Your board is a single minion with 2 health. My turn:

Grim Patron > Knife Juggler > Defile. KJ snipes your minion.

No additional cast is given as it was KJ that killed, not defile. Same here. Bubbler got the kill, not Spammy, so no extra activation.


I can see it working that way as well.

Someone should definitely test the Jandice interaction.

I agree that it is working as intended in that we can see the order of activations. However, that order is incorrect regarding the card text, and therefore is a bug.

No, its correct and working as intended. Spammy DID NOT kill, Bubbler killed himself. No extra activation.

Spammy Arcanist does not read that it must be what kills the dead minion, though.

It is consistent regardless. The text on a card refers to it alone, unless otherwise specified.

There’s nowhere that’s officially stated. I don’t know where you’re getting that from. And, if other minions are behaving in this way, they need to be looked at, too.

hearthstone cards were limited in card text since the start of the game so there will be many situations were an interaction wont be 100% accurate without any room for interpretation. for card games this card is still texted accurate enough imo. the sec part of the effect is based on the first part. outer circumstances arent considered. honestly it works as i wouldve expected it to work.

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