Can Blizzard please hotfix the exploit druid players are abusing with Artanis and Groovy cat giving 5+ attack damage per turn to both the hero and a minion. This is obviously a glitch and players using this deck need immediate bans.
How can this be a glitch when it’s a purposeful change they’ve made last patch ?
It’s not purposeful. No where on the card does it state that Artanis increases hero attack, it increases minion attack and gives your hero minion attack increase. It is a glitch that is being exploited.
I invite you to read the patch note that indicates that it was a bug that the hero power was not affected by Groovy Cat
The patch notes need to be corrected then to fix this bug.
And the hero power text should properly account for the accumulated damage
As it stands, it says (1) no matter how much dmg he’s got
The only bug is in your ability to understand what is intended and what is not
You may dont agree with the intended design, but whinning about it won’t make it a bug
It is an exploit, Artanis does not buff his attack he buffs a minion, Groovy Cat is only supposed to increase hero attack.
You gotta be a FINGLOSER to play Druid right now. Bustedassclass special treatment rivals that of Paladin.
It IS purposeful. In fact, when Artanis was revealed, people asked if Groovy Cat would work with it. The devs said YES, but it’s currently bugged and will be fixed shortly after release. And now it’s fixed.
Absolutely intentional because it SHOULD work. It worked like that with every other hero that gives +attack.
Your inability to understand why it works is the problem.
nobody asked for that
Working as intended.
If you read the card hero power, it isn’t
It does say it increase hero attack. Copied the text for Twin Blade from BLizzards own Website Artanis - Hearthstone Card Library - Hearthstone. Notice the part I put in bold and italics. Does that not say your Hero.
Twin Blades
Give a friendly minion and your Hero +1 attack this turn and Divine Shield.
Not only is it intended behavior, they called it a bug when it DID NOT increase hero attack.
They literally fixed it to make sure it works like it does right now.
My thoughts on this whole thread.
I LITERALLY posted about this in another thread a while back the day the card was spoiled. It was immediately asked if the Groovy Cat interaction would work with it. They SPECIFICALLY said it was intended to but wasn’t coded correctly but would be working shortly after the set dropped. We KNEW this is how it was going to work.
It does.
I’m sorry you can’t figure it out.
Look, if you want to complain about protoss, complain that there are too many discounts on their minions, too much charge, and the free giant rush guy shouldn’t also have divine shield. I will listen to all those complaints.
But groovy cat doing exactly what it says on the card isn’t the hill to die on.
Protoss in underpowered in all other aspects, this is about addressing an obvious exploit.
To be fair I think it shouldn’t increase the minion’s past +1 buff, another argument it’s that you become a different hero so the cat buff should be reseted or overwhriten, and not apply until you play them as artanis, but when do they ever care for fair specially when it comes to druid related things.
Reminds me of the bazar’s burglary quest and the original maestra’s effect, the devs always jury rig to cater towards their favored ones.