Progression for Dalaran's Heist should not be separated between Heroic and Normal

And when I say progression, I am mostly talking about unlocking the decks and hero powers to play with. I get that you want to have separate stat tracking, but it really sucks that it is tied to your progression. This means that you have to repeat everything you’ve already done to get the unlocks that you have already earned. It turns them into a chore.


Agree. I think tracking wins is fine to differentiate but unlocking stuff should be done only once

Especially since you have to play the content on normal mode before Heroic is unlocked.

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This feels kind of punishing since the requirements are not new or exciting , but just more of a grind in Heroic. Playing 25 pirates as a Rogue in Normal is much easier, since you can win more rounds and be alive much longer to be able to play them. Once I’ve done it in Normal, to have to do it again does not increase the sense of challenge, just more of the same, but now I have fewer opportunities to do the thing I already did.

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Is that how you gain the crown above the individual hero? (unlock everything in both modes) I have the crown on the mage but not the others, so maybe I need to go back to normal mode?

To get the crown you must kill the final boss in that chapter and mode with said hero. So I’m guessing you cleared the chapters with mage but not the others.

You can check it when chapter 4 comes out in a couple hours, even though you’ve unlocked everything with mage you won’t have a crown over its head for that chapter.

you should really get the 10 gold per 3 wins somewhat for heroic…

dealing with the stress of blatant unfairness all in the statistics they track from…