Problems with rewards

Hello good afternoon, I have a problem with my account since my email address that I used to create my account on had been hacked, but despite the fact that thanks to technical support I was able to recover my account, I had reached the rank of legend and of the 25 packages that should correspond to me, I only received 5 (I have not opened them), I wrote in the same technical support ticket and they told me that they cannot help me, who do I have to contact to help me with my problem?

Did you reach Legend in Twist?

Hi Joachim, I reached legend in both standard and wild mode.

Legend is 5 packs , 7 rare cards and 1 epic.
And you get the rewards only in one mode ( the top one )

So be Legend in standard , wild and twist are still 5 packs, not 15.

edit: where did you read 25 packs for legend?

edit2: maybe you misread how rewards works , it’s not like the mercenaries system where every step you get the reward , is only a end of month reward , so 5 packs is the max.

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Oh, I didn’t see that part. Like Cece said you recieve the “chest” only once per month.

Even if you reach Legend in Standard, Wild and Twist in a month you will get the reward from climbing through the ranks just once and not 3 times.

i think he counted and did the sum for every step
Silver 10 = 1 Silver 5 = 1
Gold 10 = 2 Gold 5 = 2
Plat 10 = 3 Plat 5 = 3
Diamond 10 = 4 Diamond 5 = 4
Legend = 5
Tot = 25 , but it don’t work like that.

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