I had a problem to obtain my gifts for the last season. I’ve finished silver rank 8th, but i don’t received the gifts for that. Why?
Can you verify if there is a problem on my account? Sorry for my english. I’m french and I’m not really good in english.
This is a known bug. Many players were affected by this.
Okay. Thank’s for the information. I’m happy to read this message from developers. I’ll wait my gift for the end of febuary.
The rewards were supposed to go out today. Some people got them, some didn’t. Let them know if you still didn’t:
I never receved my gift since my request. And i have a new problem cards of my fondamental set of chaman and the fondamental set for the priest are disapeared. I don’t understand why. I try many time to reconnect and the problem continue. Can you do something for me?
The second problem you describe is not necessarily a bug; it is just what happens when the core set rotates. The core set is loaned to everyone for free, and at yearly rotation some of the cards leave and new ones come in. You still have the same number of free cards, just different ones.
That said, you may still be able to play your deck in Wild if you own the original versions of the missing cards. You have to manually pull the core versions out of your deck and add the Wild ones in. If you don’t own the Wild versions, you can craft them or hope to open them from a Wild pack.