Prince Renathal

How can I remove this bad card forever from my account everywhere?
I don’t want to have this in “my” cards.


It’s too late. Renathal will follow you everywhere you go…


Create a new account and never purchase a Nathria pack.


I wish there was a way to do this in wild.

I hate this card so much and it is just spammed in wild. It is in more than half the decks I play in wild even in diamond.

It ruins so many games.

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i don’t really see how renathal ruins games or why you hate him but i guess whatever it would be fine if blizzard made it so you could disenchant him or something


If 40 health was actually fair, they wouldn’t have nerfed the card when it was in standard.

We need a toggle where you can play wild with or without Renathal in the game.

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Have you tried Demon Seed? It beats the inconsistency of a 40 card deck like 90% of the time.

If you can’t have fun because they play Renathal why not make it so they can’t have fun and play Demon Seed?

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I think he should be instead of 40/40 make it 60/60

People still complain about that bad card? Amusing.


It is still the most common card in wild.

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It was always fair. Renathal at all times was determined by the meta more than anything else.

Burn common? He goes in.
Otherwise? Not the best.

He was a sentiment nerf, not a power one. He was never a major power outlier.

Funnily enough, neither was Theotar, and he got nerfed twice.


Don’t try to pass it as something it isn’t.

The difference is that at wild the extra health is almost pointless and in standard it could drag the games down so long that you would rather concede If your intend was to have fun.

That at standard just warped the game towards less board combat when for wild it was a walk in the park that does almost absolutely nothing.

If it returns someday we probably not gonna even feel the difference anymore because of the powercreep.

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No, it really, REALLY didn’t.

It was the set of all board decks and Denathrius.

Every good deck was a minion pile. Board based gameplay was all over the place in that set.

It made burn decks that couldn’t OTK worse, and a bit on the pure aggro side too.

And when those went away, the 30 card versions tended to be better.

It was a tech card. That’s all. It wasn’t game warping. No deck was winning entirely and only because it included Renathal.


Except that aggro hunter that used the extra health to ignore damage and smorc, the 40 card version was better.


How good renathal was kind of was linked entirely to how much smorc was going on.

Which isn’t really surprising, but once that fell off, 30 card versions usually showed as just as strong if not stronger because they were the more consistent decks.

It was far less common that 40 card was just universally better.

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you dont have any cards in this game, they are all blizzards cards, you are just renting them

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One of my personal reason for hating him is he invalidates C’thun the shattered’s “kill your opponent all from full health” acheivement by just existing.

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He does not tho, and many decks do not run him. Basically none of the Top Decks in Wild do.

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A good Wild aggro deck should have no issues with the 10 extra life Renathal provides, it should even be able to handle the opponent playing Reno to heal for 39 once. Twice is sketchier.

But basically everyone else does. Have you looked at wild stats at all? Renathal is in one out of every three decks across all ranks, concentrated in the non-legend ranks. It is easily in half my games most days. It’s the most annoying part of wild next to quests.

He complicates shuffling bombs or plagues, he is a must include if you want any chance as a control deck even if he makes your deck weaker over all because you can’t win a value match gainst someone starting with ten more cards and health.

He is seriously one of the worst things they ever put in the game and he’s here forever to ruin wild, too!

Gosh, imagine if you didn’t need to play aggro to enjoy wild?