Priest Quest is the example of how bad this game is

People are making the point that priest is bad right now (and has been for a while), and that the quest is not overpowered because of how difficult it is to use. There’s no contesting this.

My problem is that this reasoning seems backwards to me. Priest is bad right now because many of its cards are clunky, difficult to use, and require too much deck investment. The good quests were easy to complete and strong enough to win games. This quest is not what priest needed.

I also think that win the game cards are bad design, and bad by design. They never lead to compelling gameplay, and they always need to be relegated to meme status.

I’m a priest player. I want priest to be strong. I want control priest to be strong. I wish the devs did too.


what principle ?

is it based on a card game ? which one ?

My principles.

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I enjoy playing quest priest because i can feel the sweaty tears of the opponent when he knows nxt turn he might lose insta

I feel like in the majority of the decks that quest priest will beat, actually playing the Shard to win the game isn’t even needed. Pretty sure I have lost every game I managed to hit their reward with a Mutanus.

I also doubt this deck would ever be permitted to be tier one, which is kind of sad since quests were a very important part of that expansion.


People can lost to turn 18 quest completions and literal turn 24 shard draws and still “feel” cheated by a 30% wr card that so slow it barely even wins in it’s own deck anyways.

Half the time you even messed with quest priest, anything toothless enough to get to shard was probably lowrolling hard enough for anything else to kill them. Hunter hero power kills people for 30 mana.

Quest priest costs 56 mana to fulfill in a best case, low tempo direction, and not drawing the orders of cards or playing reactively is punished. The quest would be a lot better and smoother gameplay wise if you could play 7 mana cards and still get credit if a 2,3,4 or 5,6 was missing.

It sounds so mundane but even with a like 1x 8 cost, 2x 7, 3x 6, 4x 5, 6x 4, 6x 3, 7x 2 cost curve, +1x quest consumes all 30/30 slots and you miss like 1 mana slots, like 80% of the time you play it.

Or run into turns where by missing curve cards you’re unable to play 7 manas on turn 8 to answer A board because you somehow, with 7x 2 drops in the deck, had rng decide lol no 2 drops until turn 9.

It would be so mundane for quest priest to at least change the quests 4/5, 7/8 zones to count 7 and 8 drops played at any point of the game for those turn 13-18 shenanigans. When even getting board lethaled by a 8/8 on turn 12 is a faster win condition than priest, it could help a little to make it less u fun and unenjoyable to play.

Having more decks with low wr be tried would actually inflate A lot of people’s ranks A bit.

I don’t think its good design but at the very least they could make it feel reasonably cohesive.

When you can brick the quest by playing a 8 mana card on turn 12 because a 4 cost never showed up, it just feels like horrendous design on a already glacial turn 13-18+ quest deck when most classes otked turn 9 and warlock fatigues on 9 while having much more tempo playing 8-10x of the same 8/8 statline (with chain revives, floating mana, and aoe that does 2x more damage than priest’s turn 5 aoes… For turn 4 vs 7 where aoe is so important)


And it shouldn’t be. This kind of mechanic isn’t designed to be mainstream.

They should have given priest something that they would feel comfortable with being viable.

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they dont have to make any changes to the quest ! they did a good job at making it so you cant use mana cheat to complete it faster

you are the one whos trying to build a deck able to "brick " if you become unable to complete it

if you choose one unable to win without the quest …thats your choice

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Half the time I ended up messing with the quest in wild, intending to use the greater aoe tools available, I found it was such a glacial quest condition even killing people with dq alexsteaza and battlemaster killed people much faster at the time.

It’s bronze bait, you can still often win faster with the “hit people to death” win condition, but the quest making priest decks worse on launch when people tunnel visioned the quest wasn’t a lone situation. I still won the games, but quest victories were rare since it only won the most threatless garbage and people complain about turn 24 losses on these forums even when they did nothing proactive the entire game to make the game last 24 turns on 10 damage heropowers on a 20 hp priest they could have pinged twice and won against.

I was really hoping to see a elaborate answer hahaha

Just out of curiosity: in these principles would you consider the same thing about mechathun or deathknight uther?

I don’t know, I think Blizz is quite fair on all of these examples. none of then is exactly simple to achieve and most of the times you can counter your opponent before he does it.

My honest opinion is that the questline and its rewards are very well balanced, and for good reason. We can’t have ‘make the enemy dead’ cards. UNLESS, there are heft questline steps for making this, while unlikely, possible. For this reason, being honest, I have zero problem with this particular questline. It seems more than fair.

None of this is to imply I like the class. It’s a totally fair class. It’s just the immensely long games due to healing, armoring, and resurrection. It can very often tilit me. Just a little.

Sorry for being facetious earlier in my comment.

It’s an I WIN card after 12+ rounds of the priest doing whatever they can to stay alive against aggro…and that’s probably 5 more rounds than most decks these days need to kill that priest anyways. Does it feel bad to lose to? Tbh, I think it feels worse to lose to just about any version of quest lock or pirate vomit warrior. I hardly ever run into quest priest anyways, these days it’s mostly warlocks, rogues, mages, and druids.


The good old days when priest can OTK and people were also bawling like crazy. Things haven’t change that much. We got to admit that priest is so fun to play. Especially copying opponents cards and use it as your own just like Rogue. That’s my forte. I like using fun deck in rank game. I’m just not the type to go aggro and end the game quickly. That bores me to just hit face like hitting a dead fish flapping out of water stream. I want to savor the win and do it in a late game stylish fashion.

Per chance, would you be able to post your Thief Priest deck, please?

yes, yes I have thief priest deck, but you may not agree with it’s win rate vs meta. Still can be able to get fun out of it. You can change things around to soothe your own playstyle:

(sorry, no link code)

x2 - Raise Dead
x2 - Psychic Conjurer
x2 - Renew
x2 - Soothsayer Caravan
x2 - Amulet Of Undying
x2 - Copycat
x2 - Deliverance
x2 - Palm Reading
x2 - Hysteria
x1 - Korak The Bloodrager
x1 - The Nameless One
x2 - Spirit Guide
x2 - Lightshower Elemental
x2 - Undying Disciple
x1 - Soul Mirror
x2 - Abominable Lieutenant
x1 - Xyrella, the Devout

This card is undoubtedly interesting. If the Fast attack is not weakened, then the designer will skip the minion and kill the hero directly. I think it is completely reasonable.Mechanical C 'Thun, Four Horses of the Apocalypse. It is proved that there will be this type of card every year, but it will not become the mainstream. priest’s quest is not a high-winning combination.

…why? Justify this.

It’s a turn 11 card at the earliest, what possible fundamental reason is there to not print this?

There was this design several times before, OTK DH could have done 100+ damage before turn 10, but people are angry about card, that almost never is played?

It happened to me once in half a year, that quest priest won by playing quest reward in hundreds of games.

It loses to all OTK decks, because it is slower than them in 99% of the time,
It either gets killed by aggro or aggro player just concedes (similarly to any control deck), if Priest is still alive. Similarly with tempo decks (Paladin).
Only thing that struggles against this kind of deck is slow control (rez priest, control warrior, maybe freeze shaman without OTK package), which doesnt have other win condition than making opponent concede.

Turn 10.

Well you would have to:

  1. Play on perfect curve
  2. survive, while playing on perfect curve
  3. Play the reward on 9 and instantly find/discover the reward out of what, 16 cards in your deck, when you have in deck still something like 8 spells?

Not that it is impossible, but when I play against quest priest, they cant often finish the first stage by turn 7-8 and it takes them forever to go through the second part.