Priest is good again

Tempo priest with gala ( and no activators ) as lategame and illucia for control combo breaker could be tier 1. Im 7-0.

This is the current iteration. Thinking about dumping the bonechewer for another Mass Dispel as I have barely used the card yet. Def needs card draw. A few wins I was nearly out of gas and in top deck mode. Imprisoned Homunculus is a super star in this deck. Have had this card as a 3/9 lifesteal on turn 3 numerous times. Psyche split and its gg often.

Tempo Priest

Class: Priest

Format: Standard

Year of the Phoenix

2x (0) Power Word: Shield

2x (1) Frazzled Freshman

1x (1) Holy Smite

2x (1) Imprisoned Homunculus

2x (1) Inner Fire

2x (1) Soulbound Ashtongue

1x (2) Bonechewer Brawler

2x (2) Kul Tiran Chaplain

1x (2) Mindrender Illucia

2x (2) Power Word: Feast

1x (2) Sethekk Veilweaver

2x (3) Apotheosis

2x (3) Dragonmaw Overseer

2x (3) Faceless Rager

1x (4) High Abbess Alura

1x (4) Mass Dispel

1x (4) Power Infusion

2x (5) Psyche Split

1x (6) Devout Pupil


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

No Voracious Reader? That could help with card draw, plus the 3 health makes it stickier than other options.

Possible I might try that, would be a good top deck in mid to late game

why do you think the deck is bad ?
even if it was bad it doesnt need to be removed or we wouldnt have paladin or shaman their decks were terrible for most of the outland meta

I think the class sucks, not the deck. The way it is built as a class is bad design/gameplay imo.

Lots of people like it, I don’t .

Yeah that’s what i liked about Midrange Dragon Raza priest ranges you could build in wild. At the core most of standard was just combo, but the Drakonid Operative and the 1 mana 2/3 and 3 mana 3/4 +3 hp cards just really let you build a good tempo board.

It actually was a blast to play and played differently every game, since the combo pieces hurt you just as much as you hurt your opponent, so even if you were ahead you still needed to watch your hp or hit your opponent to keep them from comboing in the mirror.

Against weapon aggro decks who went too aggro you had a period to fight to survive, then a switch and a pivot where say, a overly aggressive odd DH smashing weapons to 13 hp might get punished with a seance. Savage roar/bloodlust gave potential reason for your opponent to clear the board, and yet despite it, two legendaries + 2-3 other cards to get the combo rolling still gave plenty of time to play the game.

Now you just die on t6 to quest mage while getting ice blocked renoed.

But im sure hopefully the disruption or more aggro fuel might have a chance… even if quest mage probably got even stronger with 1 mana 1/2 discovers and 3 mana 3/4 super flamewakers…

Just got diamond with tempo priest. Only threats are paladin, both Murloc and libram. Lost a few games to spell shaman and 1 to spell damage mage, but overall I think priest is in a good place right now.

Lost more games, but thats only because of bad mulligan and draw.

Is there a working res/slow priest? I’m trying gimmicks with Educated Elekk and it’s cute but it’s cutting a slight net loss rate.

Don’t know. I tried rez priest with raise dead, but I only played it twice. 50% win rate

Trying a highlander priest variant right now but feels it’s lacking a clear win condition. There’s gotta some quest rez deck just waiting to be found.

Ok, hsr has posted now more data for SA with updated archetypes. Galakrond dragon priest and Highlander Priest are Tier 2 (the latter is even high tier2 in dia 4-1). In legend, HL Priest is Tier 1. (In High legend Gala too)
So far Hl Priest is good vs Druid and big Warrior but bad vs L Paladin.

Tempo Priest is however only tier 4 in dia and legend.

Sidenote, cleric of scales is the best perfoming cards in my deck, better than the second - Zephyrs!!!