Predict the dark horse that no one thinks will be good

I think the key here is playing him before playing your own minions. You freeze their board, get a big minion up, and then can play your minions if needed.

If he freezes just 2 enemy minions with a combined attack of 5, he ends up being a 5 mana 5/5 heal/prevent 5 damage minimum. That’s really good. This guy will see tons of play, I guarantee it.

And Shaman has some of the best freezing stuff coming out of this expansion. The 3/2 minion that lets you freeze and draw cards, slowing the game down with frostbite, cavern is easily the best objective, snowball fight helps slow the game down early, legendary is good value even if it just summons 1 elemental, and the Hero is a heal/damage combo if you need it.

I think Elemental Freeze Shaman is going to be a real thing.

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Hard to say since the archetypes for this set are pretty well telegraphed

Dark Horse: Miracle Priest is going to be Tier S.

Having all the new spells be better than average for the Generation Pool and 0 new bad spells is gigantic.

Shadow Word: Devour and Gift of the Naaru are extremely good in the deck.

Bless, Deliverance, and Stormpike Aid Station are all decent cards and getting any of them instead of a Dead Card/High Mana Card is huge.

I agree. I think Secret hunter is being slept on.

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Yeah burgle Rogue has some cool synergy with Maestra making all your Rogue cards count as coming from a different class (until you play a Rogue card obviously).

That’s a really good start to getting your gameplan rolling and the devs have pushed many of the burgle cards ( good, burgle Rogue is an interesting deck, being very non- linear as you have to work with what you steal in stark contrast to the stifling linearity of Questlines).

Would also agree with others that secret hunter could be good, the new anti spell secret looks like it could be very awkward to deal with.

Really hope I can get my miracle burst Priest deck to work with the new tools, but I’m not convinced priest will be good enough to make a return to the meta.

Got to admit I’m looking forward to the expansion, just hope it’s not borked by Questline Warrior and Warlock .

I’m worried about Korrak and Priest resurrecting him a billion times over. Bring silences and transform cards guys!

Dark horse: I’m hoping it’s Freeze Shaman. I love the theme of it and I’ll just play it anyway.

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Burgle offers some of the most fun matches (as long as your idea of fun includes wacky stuff happening), but it’s invariably “Random potential value”. Value alone is not a good gameplan and random needs a high degree of control to be worth considering.

If a Burgle style gameplan ever becomes high tier, it’s because the support cards are good enough to carry any deck to that level but have a Burgle style trigger. I’m not convinced the current offerings* are that good.

*Double Agent, Wildpaw Gnoll, Malevolent Strike.

I think tempo mage will actually be really great.

no hero power mage, no big spell mage, no frost mage, just pure 'ol tempo mage with spelldamage synergies.

Was trying it on standard after the miniexpac, and while the draw was now spot on with multicaster, what always felt a bit lackluster was the early tempo. Well, now mage got some amazing early tempo tools like the sorc, the 2drop, and siphon to fill exactly those gaps.

something like this: (specific ratios for cards like shooting star vs brain freeze vs devolving are ofc meta dependent):

p.s. just noticed that it’s also dirt cheap, if you exlude solarian, who is not even “core” to the deck, all the rest are either free, commons, or rares, lol.


I think people are underestimating priest. There’s some very real potential with the new deathrattle package. I guarantee you priest has something good up its sleeves. It just needs to figure out how to optimize the archetype.

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Mage just hard Counters that too much,i do think the Inner Fire style cards might work,just not that sold on the deathrattle ones.

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Freeze shaman, because demon hunter.


I remember when to boost a class they used to release 1 mana 1/3 with effect.
Now they are trying the new approach: 1 mana 2/2 :joy:
If it worked for warrior, I can see it working for mage too.

I think that this tempo deck will play also secrets: sayge is still good, 4 mana 4/4 summon a copy is good too, cheating secrets isn’t easy as in hunter/paladin, but it’s still possible.

I think the parrot will be one of the strongest cards in freeze shaman

Thing is, you don’t even have to play secrets with this card. It is good enough by itself. In a secret deck, it becomes insane.

I have never seen an hunter playing this card in a non secret deck

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Tempo Mage seems good.

By itself Petting Zoo (the card I was talking about) is a 3 mana 3/3. Are you thinking of something else?

Guff Runetotem’s hero card is going to enable something brutal.

It may be sooner or it’s going to be later, but there’s no way he’s not broken.

There’s my called shot.

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Beast/taunt druid I think will be insane.

Quest priest getting a playable 5 drop is better than people understand.

Tempo mage with a tiny amount of big spell package (replaying deep freeze mostly to beat DH) I think will be good. I’m also messing around with straight up burn hp mage that stomps greedy decks.

Rally Priest, Fel Warlock, Beast Druid, Deathrattle Priest… these are what I’m excited to try out and I think they have potential.

That could be because the card hasn’t been released yet?

I’m talking about the new Hunter legendary, of course.