Possible Duels Bug

You seen this jailer/malganis deck? Looks awesome. Whipped me twice today.

Been working on a mill druid deck lately

Because I don’t find that impressive at all ?

Just because you find something impressive, that doesn’t mean everyone else will have the same standards.

Even looking at a 12-0 run, I’d say great job but I wouldn’t find that particularly impressive.

What version were you playing? Rush package?

Yes, rush and enrage for that one.

Yes, Warlock went from being one of the weakest classes in the format and is now so strong with this package or the discard and tome tampering.

Well you can have your high bar and enjoy the air up there. “Down” here where its a miracle to make it to 5 or 6 wins at all its worthy of a civil and good sporting attitude. I could be next to Michael Jordan or the head coach of the (fill in your choice of basketball team here) and they could witness me take a dozen shots at the basket and miss all but one. But I doubt they’d have the outlook and actually say the equivalent of what youve said so far in their parallel situation. Sure they could see someone getting all 12 no problem and think thats a good baseline, but they can also acknowledge when someone isnt at that level and still not be crabby about it.


You’re severely overestimating how hard it is to win 5 or 6 consecutive games.

I’m not going to praise a stranger on the internet for something as insignificant as this. Especially not a tool.

And I don’t think a nba player will pretend like it’s some kind of achievement/miracle to score one point, this is just what YOU want/think they should do, stop acting like these are facts.

And FYI your scenario is completely different, OP never asked to be praise nor did he claim winning 6 games in a row is a big feat. Pretty sure no one would acknowledge their teammates for scores points in a practice match unless they knew it was a new player or they did something nothing short of extraordinary.

What Im saying is that they have a good sense of civility, a good sportsmanship to their interactions with others trying to do what they do. By the way you speak here I can only assume that if you have children, i pity them, because you obviously would never have the good sense to praise them when they accomplish anything since for you it isnt a significant thing to do. Im not equating the poster or myself to that Im just basing your choice of interaction here to be consistent with how you must act in person.

It doesnt matter if they are a stranger or not, if you think making a hoop is tough or not, or if you can reach legend blindfolded and without any computer device… what matters is how you interact with others. You chose to belittle and engage in quite negatively connotated postings.

I chose to not give in to such and to praise the OP for what I consider to be an amazing accomplishment. Even if the op doesnt think the same, Im sure they appreciate the grats I gave whether they felt it warranted or not over whatever it was you were giving them.

Also, in my example of the basketball scenario, I the one shooting 11 misses and 1 basket finally, while standing next to Mr Space Jam Underwear salesman himself or whomever you prefer such as a coach of whatever team, was not asking for praise. I merely stated

Im not at the level of the OP and I wasnt salty or crabby about it to them in the thread. I gave them grats. You are obviously not at the same level as either OP or I, so I’d actually expect you to hold yourself to a higher bar than us and have some civilty, a good sporting attitude, and the bare minimum decency to not be a backhanding humble bragging Super Chadasaurus Rex about it all.

So you just lack decency altogether?

I find it difficult to win 2 consecutive matches in a row. As I stated before my very best run this season has been 7 wins in a run. Duels is cruel a many times, never giving you the treasure you built you deck for (Paladin with all divine shield mechs only) and not get either of the divine shield treasures nor the magnetic mech one. but instead get offered 2 secrets, an extra mana, or 1 damage and +2 attack to every minion you play (negating divine shield immediately!) and other such shenanigans like the enemy having 100% all legendary cards in their deck outside of bucket picks (but even then they can get buckets of 3 identical legendaries!). While Ill get offered murlocs or beasts when I made a 100% mech deck.

So while you might netdeck or have puchased so many cards you have all the possible broken god tier cards to be able to run those - anger inducing - nothing can be done about this match - it was lost from round 1 - scenarios that play out 3 rounds in a row… some of us are there just putting things from our collection together and synergizing over and over and seeing others beat us with it but better and learning from it and evolving from that encounter. I might have 1 maybe 2 legendaries in a duels deck, maybe 1 rare, but the rest is usually not because I dont have all those god tier cards from every set allowed in duels. (Most of my collection cant even be used in duels for some odd reason.)

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6 - 0 with Bomb Warrior again. Going to see if this is a bug. Let’s keep in mind that it is absolutely possible I simply screwed up and queued into casual. That is possible of course but the reason I wasn’t really considering it is because I never play casual, as in never ever so that is why it was weird. I can’t see anyone else saying it happened to them so either I simply made a mistake or it is this particular situation.

I have pic proof by the way but not sure how to post pics. I can if need be. Perhaps nothing happens and nothing becomes of this but I do have pics at 5 wins and 6 wins just in case.

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You’re never going to go too deep with Bomb Warrior. 5 to 6 wins is good for any bomb warrior build. After that, the decks are too thinned out, or bombs are eliminated, or you never have armor to create bombs.
It’s actually a great deck to got like 3-0 or 4-0 with, only to be smashed 3 turns after and go out .

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That I completely understand and agree. Part of the reason I don’t rank is because Bomb Warrior is the one deck I HAVE to level to 12 wins. I love it so much despite how bad it is.

I am testing this to make sure it isn’t a bug.

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Don’t forget about the augmented Elekk from boomsday that shuffles in extra copies automatically in any deck…combo it with the mech bomb treasure and you can take bomb warrior a bit further or win those early games that are close. I’m happy to talk duels anytime worriedcheez#1780

I got 8 wins out of it. That is good for bomb warrior.

I have to ask man, why the name, “WorriedCheez”? What does that mean?

If I had to guess, I would guess that it references cheez decks somehow? whats up with that name bru?

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That’s a good question.

Many years ago, when I bought my original Xbox One, I bought my online gold pass for the first time.
Upon signing up, I couldn’t come up with a good nickname. So I used the create a name tag feature and one of the tags was WorriedCheeze1480. I paid the 10 dollars to have the 1480 removed to become WorriedCheeze, and became a somewhat prolific semi pro Battlefield 1 and Halo 5 player using that tag.
I’ve since kept the tag and used it in other games such as Hearthstone.

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