Portalmancer Skyla needs NERF ASAP

Turn 5 Skyla 0 cost Tsunami GG… Can we stop with these dumb cards that if you win the lottery you get a free win … 0 skill. I get that this is an RNG game but stuff like these are just too much and not fun to play against.

Finally Bingo, was waiting for this to pop up.
Surprised it toke this long.

We hit the “feelings” bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate

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any ideas how is doing with the match ups

i dont have hsreplay premium

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BSM is still in experimentation phase.

While I was playing it to Legend yesterday, I noticed a few issues with the deck. It loses to boards that can put out several minions above 3 health and/or can drop Zilliax.

I was either crushing people and there was no hope of them winning (the high roll), I didn’t get the discount stuff in hand and lost no matter what (low roll), or I was playing against a deck I had no chance at ever beating because that deck has more damage output early on (like Pain Warlock)

HSReplay has the deck as high Tier 2, lurking into Tier 1.

One thing I noticed is that as you go up higher in ranks, some matches go from positive win rate to negative.

For example, most people would think Reno Druid loses to BSM. But yesterday, playing against good players, I was struggling to win. They can ramp, drop the 4 health minions, and delay long enough to recover and win with ease.

So today I picked up Reno Druid and faced 8 BSM. I beat 7 of them fairly easily, even ones that high rolled.

I think people are slowly going to figure out how to counter the deck. It’s really just another high roll scam deck like most of the other meta decks are.

But I do think Skyla gets nerfed to 6 mana. That will slightly nudge the win rate of the deck and her play win rate down. She’s currently the best mulligan win rate card in the game. Expect her to go to 6.

There are counters to the deck right now and people can tech to counter it if they want (no one is right now). Easy tech cards are Neophyte and Stomper but I doubt many people play them unless your deck just needs 1 more turn to breathe.


It’s not even a “feelings” issue. Big Spell Mage is about 30% of the current decks in play right now.


That’s to be expected anytime Mage has a new fun deck to play with and Skyla opened it up.

That play rate is likely to drop to like 15% within a week imo.

Maybe excess toke was why it took so long.

It certainly didn’t help the popularity numbers that Skyla is literally the only card that opened up a new viable deck in the mini set, so anyone looking to do something new is uhh, sorely out of luck.


It was the most exciting, that’s for sure.

The Shaman Hunter Tourist card is fun as well, and those decks seems strong from what I saw (it obliterated BSM for me) but we know how much the player base loves Mage.

I tried the Reno version of that deck and it’s pretty good.

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BSM really hates Zilliax and that Shaman deck summoning 4 Zilliax several turns in a row basically destroys BSM on the spot.

Remember the “buff” to tsunami?

That buff made exclusively with the intent to make mana cheating worse at the expense of make it weaker in any other situation?

Just revert that and let blizzard sell the new card. That way it gets even more consistent but far less dumb. After all we are playing more than 4 tsunami each game already.

That would also reduce the distortion on skyla’s winrate just because the card you’re cheating is smaller.

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Sorry if you don’t agree. It WAS a buff. The 4th elemental is extremely important. If they revert that back, it WILL be a nerf.

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Yesh I thought paladin or death knight would be making a comeback with the miniset. Didn’t expect mage’s glow up to be this good

I definitely expected it, but that’s mostly because I had been successfully using big spell mage for almost 2 months.

I was like “oh god, the rogue cards and Skyla are insane” on reveal.


You didnt expect Mage to be this good when we dumped Paladin for Rogue ???
Lmao Mage has a proven history with Rogue.

And will be the correct answer to this.

An almost alien card that was changed exclusively for the context of mana cheating is for no one surprise overpowered when mana cheated many times. Who would expect?

Not only it made the highroll bigger but also made it less consistent due to the cost increase.
Any change should be aim here.

In other words:
This is sludgelock all over again in the sense they buffed something like crazy to be “playable” even before the final cards for it where release.

Well I expected eudora and the borrowed stuff to be obnoxious but I wasn’t mentally prepared for skyla comboing off the loot even though I shoulda seen it coming. I was too blinded by “ooh DK got a cost reducing card!” to think about the implications skyla had

my first thought for a nerf

You werent around the last time BSM was tier 1?
Skyla is Just Barbaric Sorc , changing a 10 mana spell with a coin or another low cost spell is a 2 year old strategy.

Only difference is that now we play Tsunami instead of Amulet and Sunset Volley instead of Rune of Archmage.

You can accuse the devs of many things but not originality, Balinda made 10 and 9 cost spells cost 5 ,sounds familiar doesnt it .

The decks strategy is the same just with Rogue cards in the mix.