Don’t tell me what to do. Unless of course you knew I would say that because you don’t want me to use the card and since I am playing 4D chess, I will go ahead and put it in all my decks just to screw you over pal. How 'bout dem apples.
Handsomest Ogre.
You’ve already fallen into their trap!
They just wanted apples the whole time!
It’s just like that scene from the Wizard of Oz where they trick the trees into throwing apples at them.
I actually concede instantly every time the anomaly procs.
An added benefit of running him!
The anomalies are fun but Cho’Gall is just real value, Bolderfist Ogre with taunt and lifesteal.
How pathetic those auto concede noobs are the most pathetic players this game has ever seen.
The entire concept of anomalies in standard is actually the pathetic thing. The fact that you can unilaterally change the rules is not good design. Conceding is my way of denying consent for them in the format.
I thought you were being sarcastic in the first post. I personally think the anomalies are fun. Not enough to waste a slot on it but I enjoy playing those who do run it.
Totally fine.
The concede button is right there for those of us who do not.
Hey I can respect that.
Why concede? it’s not like the anomalies make that big a difference,
It just messes things up a little but they always affect both players.
The real reason you want Cho’gall in deck is mostly for pure value, 6 mana 6/7 taunt lifesteal. No minion has more value in raw stats and basic effects.
this is why i love it in reno decks, some nice healing and a taunt
i also use it in my purifier decks
There’s a crazy guy in top 50 on NA who plays Cho’gall DK
Don’t ask