Please REMOVE RENO from standard

Title says it all the card is just way to powerful and if you won’t nerf it so everyone loses their board then just REMOVE it.


I’m curious. What deck or decks are you playing that reno is such an hindrance for you?

Any deck that can establish an advantage on board around turn 7-9 thru honest play.


That pretty much eliminates everything but the nerfed DH and rainbow DK (although that’s a bit scammy, too, nowadays)

Sludgelock? :open_mouth:

I believe it doesn’t get any more honest than that anymore

all gameplay is honest


Reno is not going to be removed from standard until it rotates out. Players who cry that this card is way to powerful simply do not have the ability to overcome it because their deck either is weak, or they have not developed the skill to work around it.

I’m not saying this to be mean, I’m stating it as fact. This card is strong yes, but it’s not the end all be all of matches.

I often find that lots of players who complain about this card invest to much on the board and don’t properly anticipate it being played.


You dodge the question somehow.

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This right here, this viewpoint right here is what i hate about current hearthstone. It is why people shy away from board based decks now. Whats the point of playing a board based deck when ya cant have a board for two straight turns.

It is why everything evolves around before reno can become involved in the game. Change the reno text to destroy and not remove imo. What i mean here is it is why people shoot for pre turn 7 kills. Ugh aggroland

This card is another one of those in a long list of cards that are standalone i win cards


“Oh come now Beaumont… Thats preposterous!”

Reno isn’t an I win card…

If glowing yellow its very good.

At the right time.

If not glowing, but still safe to play. Its a very good card.

Doesn’t win the game unless they have a Coldarra and the correct bullet loaded.

Still its not an I win card really…

Its just flamestrike equivalent from yesteryear…

Play around it if u can…

What rank do you play in? Tell me, if you’re playing rainbow mage and your opponent burns your sif from your deck? Do you concede and give up or do you keep going?

What did you do when Reno Jackson was apart of the core set last year, would you give up when you got your opponent to low health and they played Reno to heal back to full health? Or did you continue.

So many players are complaining about Reno when they just need to learn to play around it. It doesn’t prevent you from playing board based decks, what it does do is make you think about what your opponents potential play will be especially if you have figured out they are playing a Highlander deck.

If you’re running a decent deck, and your opponent plays Reno, it shouldn’t kill you most of the time, yes, there will be times when it will be win condition for your oppoent but that should only happen a fraction of the time.

Reno gets played on me a ton of times, I don’t have any issues with that card and It doesn’t cause me to lose each time.

Everything does not revolve around Reno, you just keep telling yourself that it does when it doesn’t.

And just like every other “OP” card that players complain about, if it’s so OP everyone would be running it, and that simply isn’t the case.

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People downplaying the card are just trying to sound like some Hearthstone Savant on a game forum. The card is toxic and overplayed. Other cards have been nerfed for much less. It is a problem and so is the gameplay it perpetuates. Moving away from board based play is great for the COD generation. They like thinking less and bigger flashing lights.


You don’t have the time to play slowly around Reno because next turn is double Zilliax and then the next turn is 4 Zilliax xD

Reno alone is not a huge problem, but in combination with Zilliax, it’s meta-warping. That combo alone is responsible for hyperaggro meta we have now. Well, that and overbroken DH, Shaman and Zarimi Priest.

Before Zilliax and Safety Goggles came out, my winrate vs warriors was 72% on sludgelock. After it came out, it fell down to 52%.

That’s 2 cards switched in Warrior decks resulting in 20% winrate increase for them in that specific matchup. That’s how much meta warping those cards are.

And my sample is huge, btw.

P.S. I forgot to point out the obvious, that nerfing Zilliax just because of its’ broken interaction in Brann Warrior ruins it for other classes, so that’s not an option. What you’re left with is somehow toning down Reno. There WILL come a time when that deck is BROKEN again, because there is NO way in hell we don’t get Zarimi and Shaman nerfs, which brings Warrior back up to the game.

It’s already the most played in top 20 legend and that’s for a reason.

So if you know exactly what is going to happen, what are you running to counter it?

The thing is the warrior deck is really easy to beat. However, if players are going to run meta decks and expect that it will be the answer to their woe’s when trying to climb, chances are, they are going to be left frustrated and disgruntled because a lot of the decks are to cookie cutter to be versatile enough to deal with. a range of other decks as well.

A really great card to counter the Warrior deck is Dirty rat. You can pull brann or Zilliax or any other card that is of value out of their hand because that deck is primarily spells, and they use the low cost minions at the start to generate card draw. Granted, it’s not alway going to work, but it sure is going to make reno a lot less painful when Reno is played, and I’m talking from experience. It’s also unrealistic that you are going to be able to beat every Highlander warrior.

You can also hold out on playing cards because the warriors will typically play their card draw minions and if you let them continue to draw their cards and denying them targets for them to use their spells on they will be forced to canibalize their own minions or they will end up burning cards. I’ve watched plenty of highlander warriors bun some very important cards, including reno and bran.

You’re either too high rank or too low rank for me to understand each other. I’ve no idea what deck I’m supposed to play to be “holding out on cards” in this meta.

Perhaps Zarimi has to do that against warrior, but that’s also debatable, cuz how else do you bait out his removals so you can have some sort of a board in order to OTK him next turn?

Holding out where I play is not an option. Every turn you didn’t do something strategically important for later game or spent your mana as efficient as possible can be the turn you lost the game.

It’s all about the pressure.

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Honestly, Highlander decks should always be trash. There is no reason in any ccg that a deck with only one copy of a card, should even work 1/4 the time.

When i just arrived at the forum i was hoping to meet people who were fans of the expeditionary league, my favorite expansion of all time but i ended in shock by the number of people who just hate the old school Reno Jackson, Zeprhys and the highlander cards in general, even though they were never overwhelming,
I think they relate the archetype to being a P2W player for the number of legendaries you need to make it work, let me explain myself: they have a weird sense of pride for being F2P, and their ego is being hurt when reno just crushes them… I am a main paladin, reno literally destroys us, but i use techs like albatross, or even the darkness, its not a big deal if you play well, idk about standard but in wild a reno never means that the game is over, i also think that the comunity in general shot themselves in the foot by absolutely rejecting tools like theotar that provide a lot of interaction, but they were only left with the bad feeling of ruining their day and didn’t see the advantages of being protected against toxic decks that depend on a single card to win…
That was like giving the green light to all of this solitary style decks…

What rank do you play in? Agaijn though, I only hold out when I facing a Highlander warrior, they generally do not have board presence until late in the match, so you can get away with it usually. Because sometimes, the best play is not playing a card and passing your turn.

It was the same with Quest Mage when in Stormwind. I would deny my opponent cards for the mage to use their spells on and they would end up burning their cards which messed up their quest completion.

It really comes down to figuring out what deck your up against and if your running a deck that is good and can withstand pressure and apply pressure and recover when needed. It makes the matches more enjoyable, even when your opponent is running cards that can be utterly irritating like wheel warlock or Highlander warrior. I usually play until I hit legend.

Also, I usually never fully net deck, because again, those are all cookie cutter decks, because in my opinion they are not versatile enough in my opinion, with. a few exceptions. Net decking is like giving you a base ingredient that when refined, works wonders.

Its like knowing when you need to go face vs when you need to make some trades. I don’t really know how else to explain it. When I first started playing hearthstone long time ago, I was never sure when I should respect the board and when to go face, and after many years of playing, it’s becomes second nature, like riding a bike.

They can remove Reno as soon as they remove aggro and 1-shot combos as well =)

Usually top 100-200, but I’m stuck in middle-legend now because I’m having troubles deciding what deck to main, and i’m still learning a few of them

Net decking is your best bet if you wanna hit higher legend. I don’t have the knowledge nor the patience to experiment with decks, and I’m self-aware enough to know I can’t possibly beat 500 pros working on refining a deck for weeks before it becomes a netdeck

Well that explains it.

Dumpster legend is chill. Mid to high legend is hell. You play around what cards allow you to play around, but you know full well you’re on a clock because they don’t give you time to strategize. They will rely on luck and take away any % chance they have that you don’t have it. Games are much faster, the pressure is non-stop. It’s a different game entirely.

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You may think Dumpster legend is chill but it really isn’t. Once you hit Diamond 5, you don’t have room for making mistakes. 1 Misplay even at the very start of the match can cost you the match.

At least the opponents I’m facing. I could probably climb further into legend, I don’t know how to explain it… I lose all desire to play when I hit legend, there’s no incentive to keep playing until the next month.