Please put Steamcleaner back into standard

I’d run a 5 mana 5/5 to delete plagues. They need some kind of counterplay other than “Go face faster.”

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I’d run it to delete bombs. Speaking of, just play Reno…anything. Almost all beat plagues.

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I also want Reno to get rotated early, horribly designed card. So, in my perfect world, he won’t exist for much longer.

New change for Reno:

«If your deck started with no duplicates AND contains no duplicates…»

I’ll be honest, game was more fun when you could counter Highlander. Then put Steamcleaner back in, yes.


Yeah, that makes it even worse. Bomb Reno just got completely buffed, with no drawback mechanically, while having no serious counter play. I mean, you can flood your hand and try to either flood the board or keep minions off of it, but that’s playing for late game where Brann becomes even stronger, and we don’t have Ren anymore. It’s ridiculous design.

i hope they never do this unless they nerf steamcleaner to only hit the controller deck

i dont want it to be used to ruin mine

Snapshot is pretty busted and abusable, and there is no counter to it. Clean that garbage up.

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That’s… the entire game lol

DK is weak until later so you get some plagues shuffled in. They’ve got to pull all the right cards just like you do to do more than 1-2 here and there

What they need to do is put back ‘infused’ sylvanas to be able to steal zilliax.

The full package Plague deck is just bad. The only time you use Plagues is in the control DK decks and you save Helya and a plague card to shuffle into an opponents deck that has been burned through quickly. You can auto punish them with the plagues at that point.

Okay. But it also counters bomb warrior. They’ve printed another card that puts an old school 5 damage bomb into the game, meaning more are likely coming. Having the option to counter things being put into my deck is healthy, Steamcleaner also allows me to clear YOUR deck, a niche tool that can be very helpful.

I don’t really see performance of decks or cards as a good counter to the design being unhealthy.