OK!!! it is a Blizzard Product nd they can do whatever they want with it… but also a product where I PUT MONEY DUDE !!!
and when you put REAL MONEY…is not so good see changes that You don’t like !!!
it is HARD to UNDERSTAND ???
Yes its your money and your money should matter to the development of the game. You also have a lot of power when it comes to things because money talks. Granted just you are a drop in the bucket but a lot of drops can lead to an issue for blizzard. I will grant you that much.
A level of sex appeal is fine in a game and the level they were showing on her was fine as is. There are worse games out there in terms of that kind of stuff. I personal think having someone dressed properly and a little bit more modest makes thing more believable but that is just me. I dont play a game to be looking for that kind of stuff just for how fun it is.
The same reason you chose to bump the thread. Thank you by the way.
Goes both ways. No one is forcing you to be here.
Seems like you are the one acting like you’re on the high ground here…with that post.
Most of us here are simply pointing out how the double standards of a move like this (if it had been done by a forum user or group of them, would be punished for violating CoC), in addition to the outright censorship, anti women, body shaming, and misogyny that went into this is pretty hard to miss. What’s sad that the message that it’s ok to treat women as “less than” in 2019 as long as the opportunity to make money is on the table, along with caving to one of the biggest human rights violators out there.
No one is forcing anyone to read the thread, or post here against their will. If you don’t believe that any of this impacts you, or that it isn’t important…that’s unfortunate, but you don’t have to stay in the thread. We wish you’d read up a little on the implications of what’s going on here and join us, but if not we wish you well and have a nice day.
We need our own HS Red Shirt asking this at Blizzcon!
Just found it now. There are two Jaina avatars in the forums.
Quoting the original and the joke for reference.
Bump bump bump
Lets keep this conversation rolling.
I find it amusing your portrait on here is the bare chested version of jaina. lol
actions speak louder than words?
The funny thing is, this move is completely against their stated values, as a company that espouses progressive values (both individually and as a company as a whole):
-body shaming
To say nothing of the human rights violation that occur on a daily basis from the regime in question that are being ignored in favor of the potential money involved. The message this sends that (“treating women as ‘less than’ is ok as long as money is involved”) along with the pro censorship and supporting the demands of one of the worst human rights abusers is also not in line with their stated beliefs. Especially when it’s all for money and corporate greed…that’s one of the biggest evils of progressive values.
I have updated the main Thread please have a look…
I want my graphic body back! Mages magic come from the really big chests.
Blizzard was trying to make her less powerful by making them smaller.
Such a sad day when women can’t be strong and show there treasures off.
That lackey head of HS (August Dean Ayala) went to China a day or two before the last HCT in Taiwan tweeting ever so happily that he was there.
Surely it was part of the appeasement/bending over effort by ActiBlizz to China.
lol @ the nerds who needs pixelated boobs so badly.
lol @ the feeble minded who don’t realize that this has little to do with pixelation but rather the geo-political effects of our enemy (the world’s really) and a company that doesn’t dare stand up to it.
Exactly! This was covered rather extensively in several of the videos, especially one that covered one of the FPS game (I believe it was one of the Tom Clancy universe settings) that was heavily edited for the censorship board so they could do a universal release.
This is what the “lol boobs” crowd isn’t seeing, or refuses to see. There are larger issues in play here. This is about one country dictating what every other country in the world gets to play, and all for a message that is misogynistic, body shaming, and very anti women.
Supposedly all against the very things that individually, and as a company team 5 and actiblizz is against.
Took me 3 min to find what was wrong with the picture and change itself…not a big deal for me, but I get your point…
And the hits just keep on coming!
In addition to more misogynistic moves (mistress of pain [now queen of pain], secret keeper, succubus…to the point of being removed entirely!, and windfury harpy), other “offensive” cards have now received their edits as well: headcrack, bite, deadly shot, eviscerate.
For those saying “lol boobs,” told you it wasn’t just about boobs: it was about censorship and caving to a government censorship board and supporting the demands of one of the worst human rights abusers out there. All for money and corporate greed. This is not in line with the values that team 5 and actiblizz has espoused, and to pull this, especially right as pride month has wrapped up sends mixed signals on what values they actually support as a company.
Are you really so naive that you believe Actiblizzard has any values that take precedence over making money? Welcome to late-stage capitalism, where the ethics change on a whim and morality doesn’t exist. If you expect Actiblizzard to do the morally or ethically right thing, you will be disappointed over and over.
If you don’t like it, then use your greatest weapon as a consumer: your wallet. Don’t give them money. Go buy games that do the morally and ethically right thing. Complaining about this is pointless, because Blizzard has already written you off in favor of the Eastern market.
Other companies have changed course when they realized that “eastern market” and the censorship board of one of the worst human rights violators out there won’t make up for the rest of the market where they will lose customers because of moves like this.
Scroll up to see where it was discussed, specifically one of the rainbow 6 games I believe. Especially with actiblizz already hurting according to its last quarterly, it can’t afford to lose more customers because they want to only make games for one country in the world and its repressive, draconian, and misogynistic practices.
We can do both.
Also we must take advantage now that the forums use Latin characters, I do not know how to write in Chinese (for when they update the forums to POOH in 2020)
Yeah give us jaina’s old art back : [ i can’t climb with the new one . i had more spell damage with the old one >.>