Please fix broken decks

Hearthstone is broken,

Every time I face an opponent its always the same deck. For example:

Against a Mage, His deck is gonna be elementals…always the same deck. The deck can finish you off in 5 turns. Those elementals that deal damage according to the number of elementals played every turn is broken ASF. Please remove that card.

Warrior is always using the same deck. Clear board, clear board, ramp up armor, get the battlecry triggers twice then use the TNT card or even the Lava eruptions to finish you near the end.

These are just two examples…there are more.

Jeez you guys know cards are broken when everyone is using the same strategy. Can’t I face a Mage with a different deck?? This game is broken because there is only one way to play a character.

The game would be much better and accessible to newer players if some cards weren’t as broken ASF and characters could be played (with success) with different strategies in mind.

Fix these cards. They are clearly broken and have made Hearthstone so predictable and 1-dimensional and getting very boring.

Just my two cents


Yep its the same handful of decks 95% of the time. Doesnt feel strategic or fun when the entire match is decided by a single broken combo like brann+boomboss or incendius+shutterblock.

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Wrong thread section this needs to be in multiplayer section.