Please Confirm Bug Report

Please confirm bug report has been recieved and will be resolved regarding wickerclaw and sing along bot, thank you

Maybe they don’t think it’s a bug

It is literally a bug, otherwise I wouldn’t be here asking about the progress on it

You think it’s a bug, but it can be difficult to tell what the designers intend. Maybe it’s supposed to work the way that it does.

I told you that I started looking at triggered effects after the last time you posted this bug report, but I kinda gave up because I wasn’t getting anywhere and got bored. You need to describe why you think it’s a bug, compare it to other similar effects, make your case. If you just keep repeating yourself, it’s likely never going to go anywhere

Do you see the post?

Then it was “received”.

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It literally didn’t work that way, and worked the way it is supposed to when the combo was released. At some point it broke. Hence the bug report. Hero power trigger twice. Hero power grant +1 attack. Wickerclaw gain attack when you do. Wickclaw only gain one instance of attack despite two instances of attack being gained. This is a bug. Idk how else to get it through to you.

If it changed, maybe it was changed on purpose because it used to be bugged

Sometimes my posts get removed due to improper flagging. Also they have been made aware for months now and it hasn’t been fixed so I’m questioning whether it has been recieved or not, hence my asking for confirmation.

:man_facepalming: is it possible for you to follow logic?

Let me know when you start using some and we can find out together

I already have multiple times, but if you are blind I understand, and I can see about converting it to braille

How can it be intended that a card that reads “after your hero gains attack” does not trigger after your hero gained attack ?

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Thank you, it really isn’t complicated. When they changed something about sing along shortly/sometime after release, it broke the interaction with wickerclaw. This is a bug. If wickerclaw read “don’t gain attack when your hero gains attack” then it would not be a bug, however wickerclaw does gain attack when hero gains attack. If hero power trigger once, it gains attack. If it triggers twice, it gains attack twice. This is simple logic and not even up for debate or further consideration. Idk how else to get this through to certain people.

The order of the triggers matters. Some things only happen after other things resolve completely. There are many unintuitive but presumably intended interactions in Hearthstone

Please provide details. Because this is not an explanation.
There is no order of triggers, that’s the same thing happening twice
Gain attack, trigger, gain attack, trigger. That’s all it has to do and that’s how the others work

Priest’s hero power + sing along bot trigger overheal twice
Priest’s hero power + sing along bot trigger luminous geode twice
shaman hero power + sing along bot trigger crypt lord twice
warrior hero power + sing along bot trigger razorfen rockstar twice
mage hero power + sing along bot trigger grim patron twice

druid hero power + sing along bot does not trigger wickerclaw twice

They all (except arguably overheal) have the same text type of “After X happens, does Y” and when X is done by a doubled hero power, wickerclaw is the only one to not trigger twice
It is especially inconsistent with how razorfen rockstar is able to trigger twice


That’s a good a breakdown of exactly what I was looking for but too lazy to look up or test myself. You have good logic. I concede

That may be the most evidence that anyone has posted to this forum, ever.

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