Please bring the Prince back (40 health Nostalgic)

I associate happy experience with grinding up using 40 health control decks.
Can we bring the Prince back!

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And I Associate happy experience with a good chance for aggro decks to win and powerful otk decks.

The prince is dead. May his rotting carcass remain buried for eternity. Good riddance.


I do also want to make a trashy 40-card XL Mage deck that incorporates all the crappy Neutral Legendaries and costs 20k Dust. Bring back the Prince. :sob:

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I suppose you wouldnt mind prince then, or 40 health as neither of them prevent aggro or otk from being successful.

Let’s make this quick.

His place is in the museum.

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Maybe in 2054 if Hearthstone lasts until it’s 40th anniversary,

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What a nightmare to imagine.

By 2030 we would have 20 more different version of Brann, because they are obviously the favorite of Blizzard designer.

No he’s not. There are only 3 Branns so far. Elise has 4 versions. Finley has 4. Reno has 4. Brann has the least cards among the explorer’s unless you are also counting the villain Rafaam who also has 3 card. If anything Reno is the Favorite because he take up more space in the art for the various expansions that the entire explorer team has a card in.

Not only they have more health but they also carry more removals, which makes the situation worse for aggro.

I think he’s playable in wild? Whether Reno Quest Mage in wild is your thing though is another question. I personally find it hilarious. Good clean degenerate fun.

i think not hahahahaha

  1. Health is nice but hardly wins any games for you. Buys you a turn at most.

  2. More removals, less chance to have them at the right time. Whats more likely to have the answer to a turn 5 nast ol hunter board snowballing out of control? 40 card deck or 30?

If that was true then renathal wouldnt have been nerfed to 35.

Draw consistency is only important when u have a wincon, when ur plan is just to keep removing stuff this is actually a bonus.