Blizz has been extraordinarily lazy this patch. Buddies were really cool when first introduced. Now they are just so many badly designed and underwhelming buddies it actually kills the fun.
Why is it taking so long for you to work on this mode? I pay you every time you release a new battlepass and I expect better content and more balance.
So many other issues with the game mainly:
Pirates being completely useless and having no end game build
Duos cost to upgrade tavern kills the mode
If you didn’t buy the pass it might be partly normal since the game is partly p2w. 2 extra Heroes to choose from is huge.
This is partly normal; some builds are not for end-game but mostly mid-game; I just had a combo yesterday that immediately told me “I WILL go to top 4 for sure but I will probably die in the top 4” (the Hero that turns all newly-summoned into taunts (great for the start but towards the final rounds their STATS are too low to be good)).
The biggest gripe I have with BGs at the moment is the lack of QOL for duos. Solos are boring.
Balance across tribes will always be a point of contention but no one will contest that nagas are borderline unplayable as they stand. They interact with next to 0 win condition cards early enough to do anything worthwhile.
Unfortunately in a Buddy meta having the full 4 choices is a big deal. Hero choice is most important during a buddy meta. The last meta of quests was very easy to get high rank with just about any hero because the quest choice was the most important.
As for a tribe being playable or not that is VERY subjective. Full tribe builds are always up and down depending on the meta but at a certain point in BG’s playing a full build is not really a good idea. When you get to about 10K you will rarely if at all see full tribe builds. Learning how to play like that at lower levels will just make you a better player overall.
That’s an interesting take considering how bad duos is without someone to play with regularly. The whole mode could do with an auto communication function. Playing with random players and not having a real communication system means you are doomed to lose to any duo playing with full communication.
I don’t understand the “taking so long” part of the question. Battlegrounds is on a fairly precise 4-month schedule, and has been for years. The next patch is coming up pretty soon.
Simple things like arrows to indicate “move this way because it’s better” can help new players / inexperienced players prioritize positioning. Other more nuanced things like “beware of ______” would confuse the slow people in life. Individual card knowledge would have to be present. Like knowing there’s a bramble witch in the lobby and not having a bait taunt is up to the person but you should be able to point that out
There’s so little time to play out a full turn in BG’s it would just be better to auto connect the players together vie voice chat. Unfortunately they aren’t going to do that so Duo’s remains a limited format of players.