Playing at rank 35

I have been playing since beta and have hit legend multiple times. I decided for fun to start a new ftp account yesterday. My last 3 games at rank 35 were face hunter, soul demon hunter, and scam mage. Not just a few cards I am talking about card for card meta decks. For a seasoned player like me, it isn’t a big deal. If I don’t like getting destroyed with my novice engineer or bloodfen raptor, I can always go back to my main account. If I really were a new player, I would be very discouraged.

Yeah because the ladder at the start of the month is everyone no matter what their rank was last month it is absolutely brutal to new players

The game should almost have a disclaimer saying “unless you want to be playing Legend and Diamond players who have Tier 1 decks, do NOT QUEUE ranked at the start of the new season. You will get stomped!”

The number of new players who didn’t realize this and quit the game dejected I can’t even imagine

please dont spread misinformation. players are matched based on their mmr that is based on your performance on ladder meaning if you were on diamond rank last month you will play against players that were diamond last month immediately from bronze, you will not get a free pass to beat up new players…

low ranks doesnt equal no meta decks. both face hunter and sould DH is fairly cheap to make aswell if you dont include all legendaries.

as you yourself admit, you are a smurf in low ranks. the system will quickly notice that your gameplay doesnt equal your mmr and match you against players with higher mmr.