Playing A.F. Kay

One of my favorit heros,she is pretty strong.

My standard play is now:freeze any token on t1 and t2.
Turn 3 play token,sell token,level up,discover 4 cost card,discover 3 cost card.
Turn 4:level up! (I used to buy 2 minions here).
Levelling up I think is way stronger then buying 2 (crappy) minions that will inevitably mess up your strategy. It makes so you are at least equall on board and probably still ahead.
You are ahead in development by being the first t3,allowing you to pick a nice card from level 3 that compliments your 2 discover cards. You also have 1 roll on t7 between buying the 2 minions.
Maybe this is standard play I don’t know,but I only found out about this line recently.

So,how do you guys play afk?

As a side note:once you know what to do you will be able to play a lot faster. With this I did struggle a lot at the start since I had to think everything through for which there isn’t even close to enough time. But once you get into certain patterns it will become easier to deal with the time limit so to anyone struggling with the time limit:just keep playing and eventually you will be able to play faster because you exactly know what to do and don’t have to think about it anymore.

5391 elo NA and 5500+ on eu. Still slowly going up. Its very fun to learn this game.


Ive only played her once but made it to top 4. I hope i get to again. Shes fun.

This is kinda debatable, depends on whats going on with your game. If you can get a double, more tokens, or amalgam(s) it might be better to delay your level up.
And if you get synergies you might just smorc people for a lot of damage…

But yeah, there’s lightfang also, so in most cases you want to get to t4 asap.

I am in the toddlers’s MMR so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Leveling on 3 and 4 is incredibly risky.
Even more so if you are facing a very aggressive Murlocs Yogg or Curator, the minions from the HP won’t be enough unless RNJESUS gives you quick Tier 3 triples on something like Cobalt.

She is pretty, I hope Blizz doesn’t change her appearance! :grinning:


I don’t see what’s the deal with AFK, agree that she got a headstart early game with tier-3/4 minions, but that’s it. After that AFK is behind everybody with no heropower to rely on.

One of the worst hero, lol.

Maybe she is less powerfull then before,now that mech is less dominating.
Shes still really good though for going mech, if you get guardian and another mech like sensei.
imo she is solid for at least 4th place,she will deal more damage then she receives usually and then the game is a sort of rat race. You don’t really have to win if the other players take eachoter out. Her damage is very valuable.
Its also that starting with t4 and t3 will allow you to skip the crappy minions and make it easier to get a coherent strategy in play,at least for me though better players don’t need this advantage most likely. She feels easy to play unless you get complete crap.

But she can also miss badly,with that I do agree.

I dont like her amymore. No junkbot

I guess its only matter of time till someone would feel offended and she would receive Jaina treatment :smiley:

I won with her last night @ just under 5k with beasts.

I still like her :slight_smile:

Levelling up on two consecutive turns against people whp are good will get you punished. Those hitpoints will matter especially in the midgamw

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leveling up too fast is almost always a bad decision. Yes, you might get access to the pool faster than they are, but you are likely losing in the minion pool to get what you want.

People have been robbing the pool from you for 4 turns by then. The chances of you getting a triple is very small in a lower tier range. You open yourself up to a higher tier range, but those others will be discovering minions in that tier range from their triples…meaning you are still getting secondhand access to the tier range before they do or at the same time you do and they still have a board full of synergized minions.

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I’d like to play with A.F.Kay .wink wink nudge nudge ban ban

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I saw tides play this exact line today on stream (against strong players i asume) on stream.
Tidehunter,sell token,shredder,senpei,level up and then next turn level up as well. (and that isn’t even the best combination of 3+4 as cobolt probably is still better).
Not saying its always good but its worth a consideration for sure.

He played same line again,this time with the 4/6 mech that’s spawns a taunt,the minion that gives a mech +2+2 and tidehunter. I guess its the standard line of play when you got good synergy between the 2 discovers.

Both games didn’t end well btw lol, 4th and 6th I think.

if the 2 minions work with my 3 and 4, maybe i buy them

Nice innovative play you got there! I always like AFK and pick her most of the time, but never did this. Will try out your moves.

MMR 6700+ NA

Bro, she’s late to each and every party, keep that in mind…:stuck_out_tongue:

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