Player agency balance changes incoming!

How exactly are you outcontrolling OTKs which Zarimi and Nature Shaman are.

That offends me, that meta was disgusting as well as Stormwind’s questlines, nothing to do with it…

Mate, there’s nothing wrong with proposing the idea for increased deck size either in standard, or in a new mode. Let me clarify that the expression “apples and oranges” here would be suited if I compared Hearthstone to Call of Duty or something. Perhaps, if I began comparing card effects between this game and Magic, which I’m not either.

The only problem with Wheel of Death is that mirror matches are 100% decided simply by who goes first. Outside of that, your opponent is playing an 8-mana, ZERO tempo card. If you can’t take advantage of that, it wasn’t Wheel that killed you, it was everything they did before it.

You’re forgetting about something tho

Legendary · Minion · Festival of Legends · Taunt, Lifesteal This card

Except that it usually comes with a now 0 Mana 15/15 lifesteal taunt, so it’s a LITTLE disingenuous to call it zero tempo. (These may be duplicated by forge of wills)

And it enables Reno
And it creates healing from fatigue with their weapon
And it super charges symphony of sins.

And then it wins the game.

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So before rotation and the current expansion? Seems like it’s not remotely the same conditions.

I don’t find it even remotely polarizing. It’s in lots of decks as an addon tech package to combat the proliferation of warriors.

Now seeing the these changes, do you still think plagues are going to suddenly be something? Because I think they completely destroyed the entire archetype.

No. Because it never was.

And she wasn’t directly nerfed, but plagues as a deck was essentially gutted by removing their only good match up.

I find it hard to believe that people don’t understand that Helya saw lots of play mostly as a two card tech package to combat the high success of warriors.

Removing plagues ability to counter highlander makes them basically useless.

I think this patch may have set a new record for decks killed, actually.

If you believe this, then you haven’t played the deck.

I know, because that’s exactly what I thought when Wheel was revealed.

Once you see the combo that makes it so it’s not an 8 mana do nothing and is in fact an 8 mana put a 15/15 and 15/15 with rush on board AND you win in (4) turns, it drastically changes what you should think about the deck.

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One 15/15 of which has taunt and lifesteal. :laughing:

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That was the idea.

I’m actually disappointed it didn’t go further.

You mean there were more low tier or unplayable decks you wanted them to destroy? Sif and Plagues weren’t enough for you?

They didn’t touch plagues.

They reworked a card that plagues happened to counter passively. That was applicable to 1 meta deck, which ate several card changes.

You don’t need to counter Reno in non-highlander decks (the only other place he had a meta foothold) anymore, he can’t be used in duplicate decks.

Plagues haven’t been killed off.

You’re kidding, right? They completely gutted them by making their only good match up immune to their only counter.

They got nerfed harder than anything else.

We will certainly see in a couple weeks.

It’s not immune.

You still fill their deck with plagues, they still die if the game goes long, which those matches do by default. You’ve got plenty of time to draw and play every plague generator.

It’s probably still a favored matchup, just not an unwinnable one for the warrior.

I think you need to read what immune means because highlander cards are immune to disruption from plagues now, making the plagues useless.

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Other than, you know…

The 2 damage + Mana penalty/minion/heal

  • infinite shuffle

Times 17.

They aren’t immune to that, just like no other deck is.

You don’t ALSO need to passively turn off their cards. Plagues are now just equally powerful in all matchups. It’s not like they aren’t doing anything just because highlander cards are playable.

Oh, you know what, now that I look at it, warrior armor gain with double battle cries and odyn, 17 damage will totally destroys them, you’re right…


You’re better than this.

This is hilarious that you can say this unironically.

Have you looked at Plague dk’s match up spread? So now they’re dumpster tier everywhere because that’s what equality means in this context.

17 plagues is 34 damage, which is repeating.

And a Brann deck that is also using Odyn generally has to dig deep.

And plagues already had an advantage vs Odyn decks that aren’t 40 card lists.

So… it’s still almost certainly a good matchup for the plague DK.

You are just ignoring how strong plagues are against slow grindy decks.

Nope, because no one has yet. The data doesn’t exist for this meta yet, refinements haven’t happened yet, and no one knows what new matchup spreads are going to look like.

Based on historic data, plagues will still beat all varieties of warrior though, they just used to counter Brann extra hard.

Good. Completely non-interactive decks that can be both aggro and go long should not exist, no matter what their matchups look like in the meta.

Of course, I don’t think Plagues are gone, since I’ve literally ONLY played against Plague DK since the nerfs.

People are not entitled to win with “slow grindy decks.” Why are you playing a meme deck? Why would you queue a ranked mode with a “slow grindy deck” and expect to win even semi-regularly?