Play Royal Librarian

If you are playing a deck that has no way to deal with UnKiliax, play this dang card. It has utility outside of silencing just Ziliax and is tradable so it is not dead in other matchups. You’re welcome. Silencing completely shuts it down.

Still gets resummoned by Hydration Station.


It doesn’t completely stop it. Killing it will still add it to the death pool for Hydration Station and The warrior legend. It makes the first cast worse yes but its just a small speed bump

i thought this would be cool too but at 4 mana it’s a bit too much. Owl was always cool because it was cheap.

It’s a completely unplayable card. I have it in my sludgelock deck on NA instead of Yogg and that deck has 48% winrate compared to 61% with Yogg


They really need to move Owl back down to 2 mana…or if it’s really going to stay 3 mana, at least make it better than a 2/1? Or give it Tradeable or something? It’s a dang Owl…it flies away…it comes back…do something, anything…love(d) that card

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yeah owl mattered and could matter again if it were cheap. I’m taking a guess though that they don’t want too much “you just lost all your value on a bargain” type stuff around though anymore.

Kinda looks like they want it to be more about getting more value through your own card interaction rather than outvaluing your opponent by interacting with their cards. Which is fine but it tends to make games feel more about you fighting your own deck for proper draws rather than fighting your opponents strategies.

Ignore what theyre doing almost always and just focus on your own gameplan lol

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only once instead of 2

another way it to steal it

i dont think they see mind control tech comming because they dont avoid hving 4 mnions on the board when droping zillax

Does killing it after silence add it to the pool for Hydration? Doesnt silence get rid of its taunt? So when it dies, its not even counted as a taunt minion?

Yes, silence does not stop it from entering the pool. When you resummon something, you resummon it based on what the base stats were.

Base stats had taunt, so Hydration Station will always summon it when it was killed.

The ONLY way to remove it from the pool is to morph it or Reno poof it. Silence + kill does absolutely nothing other than kill it from board easier.

So I don’t know what anyone is talking about when they say using silence on one somehow lessens the card pool resummons.

They summon 2, you silence one and kill both, they will end up resummoning both of those.

I think the nerf is going to end up being resummon 3 different taunt minions. Lots of Resurrection stuff like that in Priest exists, so I think this gets the same treatment.

So, useless. Seems to me the main counters right now are Aman’Thul, Yogg, Reno and in some circumstances Mind Control Tech.

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Yup. And Reska, which is a massive hit. I’ve never lost to a Taunt Warrior when playing my Plague DK deck because you can just hit the Reska deathrattle numerous times. I’ve stolen over 6 Unkilliax in a game before.

The other counter is Warrior hitting it in deck with Hamm.

Other than that, few counters exist.

There are a few more counters

Shaman/Paladin murloc excavate guy
Shaman can transform it via jive insect if you draw it through hagatha first
shaman can also nostagia it to take it out of the res pool

The neutral bayfin/rat is also an improbable option and you can also potential steal it with sylvanas

Unfortunately outside some of the shaman/paladin options the counters are way too late game or way too elegant for what ends up being a braindead warrior deck.

Oh warlock sarg as well will remove it

Yes, it was working before the expansion… but now… it is useless against tons of Unkilliax… :frowning:

i mean, if you play that dang card, then your deck does have a way to deal with it.

i’ve also pointed out using that card on diff occasions lol

At least yall learnin now

Before Rehydration Station it was an acceptable way to do with unkilliax. Now it’s just not worth playing.

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