Plagues Should NOT Have The Spell Tag

Just as the title states - plagues really should have the “Spell Tag” removed. Feels extremely bad you play cards like Jotun or Volume Up as those cards are effectively worse when you que into boring ol’ Plague DK. Just a suggestion.

How many plagues are you still running into? My understanding is that they’ve been deleted from the meta

Anyway, plagues aren’t minions, or locations, or weapons or hero cards, so they must be spells. There are only so many types of cards.

Quite a bit my friend.

Really now? I had no clue.

Sarcasm aside - they can still make them a “type-less” card. Meaning, it doesn’t need to have a tag to it per se.

Well, glad I could help clear things up


Skizzy, when you get in a strange bad mood, you don’t need to take it out on other people. Just try to be normal and apologize

I would prefer they didn’t. It makes things easier when things have an expected way of interacting with everything else

Agree to disagree. They could literally do a simple change to just plagues and give them a “plague” type, or just make it type-less. It literally harms Jotun/Volume up and any other card that intends to draw spells.

I’m not sure if you are talking about yourself here? Or me? But I wouldn’t assume that I’m in a bad mood. We are not going to entertain this argument.

Yes. I apologize for any confusion. I am drunk please ignore me

Do any such cards exist?

Even The Coin counts as a spell.


The coin is an actual spell that gets generated in hand - it’s not like an effect where you shuffle the card in your deck and it auto casts.

Honestly it’s just a small quality of life change that would help some cards, I don’t see it being a problem to simply make plagues be a type-less card whilst still being able to self cast. Let me ask you this, does it feel good to play Jotun against a plague DK? The card is effectively dead as you now have a chance of copying a plague, and on top of that your chances of even drawing a spell gets slimmer and slimmer as the game goes on. At least with Volume up your chances are bit higher albeit it’s the equivalent of “why are you punching yourself?”.

Neither is Objection, and it doesn’t get a tag, even though it is clearly a mage spell.
Just sayin’

Well technically objection does have a tag. I was doing a test run with it a minute ago and it does have the spell tag at the bottom of the card.

Didn’t you used to play secret mage? Surely you know that all secrets are spells

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

There is no “spell tag”, is there? It’s just assumed that anything which isn’t a minion, weapon, location, or hero card must be a spell.

Objection doesn’t have a spell school tag, i.e. fire / frost / arcane. But that’s completely different. Some spells have schools, and some don’t.

All Secrets are spells but Objection doesn’t get a tag.
Counterspell is arcane, for instance.
Objection does not have one.

Well then maybe spells without school tags should have their own tag.
At any rate; the plagues deck is pretty uninteractive, as all the player does is shuffle them repeatedly into your deck, and wait for your character to die.
Were it mage I know exactly what would happen to it.

Maybe I need to clear something here - I mean the type “spell”. Not the spell type itself, such as fire, arcane, frost etc.

It’s similar to the coin that someone mentioned earlier, when you hover over the card at the very bottom it labels the card a certain way such as minion, spell, etc. That is the tag I am referring to.

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Yeah ok. It’s still one of the laziest decks ever created, and were it my class, it would already have been killed for not being “interactive” enough.
Just like fatigue lock, the user does nothing to win but draw cards, pollute the opponents deck, and wait.