PIP: Blood-costed minion & new card "Party Planner Vona "

Thanks for reading this feedback.

While playing around Tarvern Brawn, I randomly discovered that that blood-costed minion card like “Blood Treant” can’t make sense to the requirement of blood lost in one turn, refering to the new card “Party Planner Vona” in PIP expansion.
Forseenably, with PIP cards and tourist mechnism patched, the meta might come across reasonable amount of “interdisciplinary” card interaction problems. Personally, i think PIP is really a table-turning expansion and suggest that it is about time to alter exposure frequency to the enormous HS player community of major game designers?

With passinate regards.

What do you mean by “they can’t make sens” ?

i believe he means that the change they made a while ago where paying life for a card doesn’t count as taking damage also probably applies to party planner vona and so there is no synergy between blood treant and party planner vona. but i admit it is hard to grasp his english.

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